Free Baby Stuff Samples and Freebies

🤰 Ultimate Guide to Baby Samples, Freebies, & Discounts! 👶

I'm going to come right out and admit it: I've never had a child. But I did grow up in a household full of kids. And I have tons of friends with one kid to … like, seven? 😬 I can't even begin to imagine the amount of work, time, energy, and money it takes to have a baby. Diaper a child costs approximately $1,000 a year! Show me a parent who doesn't want free diapers and I'll show you a liar!

That's why I put together this huge list of baby freebies. You can get free baby stuff from dozens of places just by asking or signing up.

I've grouped all the free baby stuff by categories and how you get them. Most of these free samples come by mail, but a few require you to pick up your freebie at a local store.

Free Baby Samples

First up are the straight up free baby samples. No, not samples of babies, but samples for babies.


Their free Family Beginnings program offers up to $400 in free gifts! The free gifts for you and your baby are spread throughout your pregnancy, baby's first year and into toddlerhood. Freebies include belly badges to share special moments and formula samples.

As I've written about before, you can also get free Enfagrow Toddler Formula nutritional drink samples. Enfamil will also send you up to $130 in coupon, samples, tips for cow's milk allergy management and more.

Lastly, Enfamil will also send $400+ in general coupons for free just by signing up here.


Signup for a free MyGerber account and they'll send baby discounts and free products throughout the year. Each year they also send out occasional items like free coupons, baby food, and other cool stuff like free bibs!

Gerber also has a cool baby AI chat named Dotti available 24/7. It won't replace the advice of professionals, but I've known a few first time parents who needed some reassuring help from time to time. When one of my best friends had his first child, he texted me asking if he should be worried that his baby's vomit smelled weird. 🤣 Turns out, he was just sleep deprived.

Similac Formula

If free baby formula sounds good to you, then sign up for Similac's StrongMoms Rewards program. They'll send out free formula samples and baby formula coupons with up to $400 in savings.

Baby Registry Freebies

Multiple big box retailers have baby registries on their websites. When expecting mothers or fathers create a free registry, they'll receive stuff like free diapers, tons of baby product samples, and unique high value coupons not found anywhere else.

Free Amazon Baby Box

  • Free Welcome Box with $35 worth of samples for both the baby and the parents.
  • 10% off registry items, 15% off for Prime members.
  • Full 1-year return window on all items purchased from your registry.
  • Universal Registry means you can add any item from any website to your list!

Amazon's baby registry starts us off with their free welcome box for Prime members. In order to receive this freebie, you'll need to purchase at least $10 worth of items from your registry. You can purchase the items yourself or have others buy them, either way works.

If you're not a Prime member, you won't be able to get the free welcome box. However, you'll still qualify for the free discounts, extended return window, and bonus diaper discounts.

Free Target Baby Kit

Target is next up with their free baby welcome kit packed with over $120 worth of coupons and samples. This is by far the highest-value baby welcome kit I found, but you will have to pick it up in-store.

Target also has a baby items clearance page with frequently updated discounted baby deals.

  • Free Welcome Kit with $120 worth of products and savings.
  • 15% discount on any items left in your registry, 8 weeks before the baby's expected arrival.
  • Universal Registry means you can add any item from any website to your list!
  • Easy gift tracking to see who gave you what and who you've already thanked.

Free Bed, Bath, Beyond Baby Goody Bag

Bed, Bath & Beyond give away free baby goody bags with samples, coupons, and a copy of their Registry guide. It's for pick up in stores after you create a registry and you get a 10% completion discount off your unpurchased registry items.

Free Walmart Baby Box

Our final Big Box Store offer comes from Walmart. Their bundle of baby essentials contains $40 worth of samples and freebies.

  • Free Baby Welcome Box worth $40 in savings.
  • Full 1 year return window on registry items.

Signing up is easy. All you need to do is head here and create a free baby registry. Then reload that page and look for the “FREE Welcome Box” image. Click it, fill out your info, and your free baby box will arrive in the mail in 4-6 weeks.

Free buybuy BABY Baby Bag

If you thought the baby registry freebies were finished, think again! buybuy BABY also has a free baby goody bag with samples, coupons, and a complimentary registry guide. Similar to Target's offer, the buybuy BABY goody bag is only available in-store.

Free Motherhood Baby Pack

Last up is Motherhood Maternity's baby registry. They give out sample products & exclusive offers from Motherhood, A Pea in the Pod, Destination Maternity, and other partners.

  • Up to $1500 in savings over 12 months.

From what I gather, Kohl's used to have an in-house baby registry program that offered a free kit. However, they've since discontinued their entire baby registry program.

Are you aware of any major baby registry freebies I missed? Please let me know in the comments or by email!

Free Baby Products

Free Breast Pump

One of the provisions under the Affordable Care Act requires all health insurance plans to cover the cost of a breast pump. It can either be via a rental unit or one you keep, but either way your insurance company is legally required to provide it.

If you're already paying for your free breast pump in month premiums, then be sure to get it!

Many health insurance companies offer either the Medela Pump In Style or Ameda Purely Yours pump. Be sure to check your health coverage plan and call your insurance company to find out which free breast pump you qualify for.

Free Birth Announcements

Unfortunately, while free birth announcements were once a common staple in the freebie world, they've dropped off a cliff recently.

One frugal idea is to use the frequent custom photo print freebies to make your own free announcements. These are regularly given away each month.

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