Free Agave Straws from Jose Cuervo

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Jose Cuervo is giving away free agave straws. I'd never heard of these before, but apparently these are 100% biodegradable straws that Jose Cuervo manufactures as a byproduct from all the tequila they make! πŸ™‚ 🍹

After submitting your info, you should get a message that says “Thanks for submitting your info – your straws are on the way. A confirmation email has been sent to the address provided. Keep an eye on your inbox for details. Cheers!”

About the Author: Goob

I'm a nationally renowned freebie finder & sample vetter, which I never imagined I'd be doing while getting my Bachelor's Degree in History almost 20 years ago. In my spare time, I enjoy launching my own space program and disproving the Coriolis effect.