2 Free Audiobook Downloads

If you're looking for an easy way to get more reading done during these trying times, don't forget about Amazon's classic 2 free Audible.com audiobooks offer! After starting a free trial, you'll have your pick of two free audiobooks from among 180,000 titles. Prices don't matter, pick whatever you want!

You also get to keep the audiobooks after you cancel your trial, allowing you to listen to them whenever you want. Another amazing perk is if you get a book you don't like, you can exchange and swap it for free, anytime!

I used to bring books on holidays and vacations. Without fail, I'd get home weeks later wondering why I lugged 20 pounds of dead trees up and down the east coast. But now I download a few free books, toss a pair of headphone in my bag, and have all my bases covered for a fraction of the weight.

Remember to Cancel Your Trial

Please note that once the trial has ended, the subscription costs $14.95 per month. However, it's extremely easy to cancel your trial directly from your Audible account page.

Free Audiobooks from Audible

If you find you love the service, you can stay a member after your trial is over and get an additional free book every month.

New to Audible?

Audible is an excellent way to fit reading into a busy schedule! Audiobooks are perfect for commutes and traveling. I also listen to them while cooking all the time. I can't recommend them enough.

These audiobook sales would have been great during my younger years. 24-hour roundtrip car rides with my friends and family would have been greatly enhanced would a few free audiobook downloads, in my humble opinion.

Instead, my brothers and I always got into 90 minute arguments over which starter Pokémon was the best. It's a small miracle we all made it back home in one piece year after year.

What books are you getting today?! Share in the comments!

About the Author:

I'm a nationally renowned freebie finder & sample vetter, which I never imagined I'd be doing while getting my Bachelor's Degree in History almost 20 years ago. In my spare time, I enjoy launching my own space program and disproving the Coriolis effect.

8 comments on “2 Free Audiobook Downloads”

  1. I was scarred for life by family vacations in the car. 2,000 mile round trips to visit cousins I did not get along with, to say nothing of maniacal brothers. Saving grace was the women folk were very good cooks and eager to provide meal after homecooked meal. Had Pokemon been around in my childhood, I probably would have had all my decks pilfered or defaced by my evil older brother. It’s heartwarming that you can still get in a car with your family for a trip.
    I agree with nellen, go to the library. No credit cards.

  2. Now THAT would be worth five bucks! And you are in luck because this week I am headed up north for a mini vacation. You could follow me to the beach! Water, sun, sand dunes, and Goob reading to me. Priceless.

  3. Also: Download free audio books from your public library! My library (Cincinnati) now has audio books, ebooks (for Kindle, computer and phone) and mp3s. They claim they will have movies soon too.


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