Free Jiffy Mix Recipe Book

This free Jiffy Mix recipe book will look great sitting next to my coffee maker gathering dust. There's nothing that impresses the ladies more than a guy who isn't even committed enough to learn a few new recipes every now and then!

Wait, that doesn't sound right…Let me try again…

I'm always looking for new recipes! I love extending my knowledge of food I can't cook. That might explain why I signed up for this freebie.

About the Author:

I'm a nationally renowned freebie finder & sample vetter, which I never imagined I'd be doing while getting my Bachelor's Degree in History almost 20 years ago. In my spare time, I enjoy launching my own space program and disproving the Coriolis effect.

8 comments on “Free Jiffy Mix Recipe Book”

  1. Cookies and painkillers don’t go well together. You need to make him some soup. They should invent soup jello…so people on painkillers don’t dribble on themselves…

  2. I love Hey its free, mostley because I get free samples, then if I like it, I can buy the regular size. But also love the chat that goes along with it, its so funny.In a good way!!


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