Marlboro isn't the only tobacco company giving away freebies! American Spirit is once again offering free cigarette butt pouches to help keep from littering the Earth with your used butts. Annnnnnd now I'm giggling like an 8 year old.
These portable litter receptacles help keep the environment clean while letting you smoke on the go without leaving a trace behind. Each mailing comes with three heavy-duty yet extremely lightweight cigarette waste pouches. These disposable pocket ashtrays have a fireproof inner foil packaging to contain smoked butts and an outer plastic packaging that strongly seals the butts and smell inside.
In addition to smoked butts, they can also contain all types of cigarette litter, including plastic wrapping, loose tobacco, foil pack liners, rolling paper, and even ash. Once full, smokers can either dispose of the pouch or recycle them for free through the TerraCycle Cigarette Waste Recycling Program. With funding from Santa Fe Natural Tobacco Company, the waste collected through this program is recycled into a variety of industrial products, such as plastic pallets, and any remaining tobacco is recycled as compost. For every pound of cigarette waste you send, TerraCycle also donates $1 to Keep America Beautiful Cigarette Litter Prevention.
The best thing is you can request these freebies every two weeks! They'll typically send coupons as well.
To get started, you'll need to register and be over 21 years of age. You only have to do this once, then simply log into American Spirits every two weeks to request more freebies. Once logged in, select the “Butt Pouches” link near the top. You should now see a “GET FREE BUT POUCHES” link.
If you've already logged in, the offer should appear directly here as well.
These free pouches were originally available in celebration of Earth Day, but they became so popular that they continued giving them away throughout the year.
the american spirits one is still good. All they ask is for you to sign up (no social or anything and you can opt out the news letter and texting). At the end of the quick sign up press take me to site, and at the top of the site it says butt pouches, and it gives you the option to order a suscription, or to get 4 pouches which you can request every 2 weeks. Its a super quick, easy, hassle and ad free sign up.
requires last 4 of your social. not a good idea
I tried to register, but I didn’t seem to match my address, it asked me if I had moved recently, which I haven’t, I’ve been here 6 years. Oh well.
Not available any more – redirects to home page
It didn’t redirect me to the home page. It gave me a phone number to call to verify my age. I’ll call tomorrow.
I love your website!!! I am new to this and now I have plenty of goodies on the way. Your website is the easiest, no hassle, site that I have come across.
YOU are freakin AWESOME!!!
Hey Goob,..Hope your doing A-Okay..Thanks so much for this deal..As always your website ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!