Below you'll find a collection of press & media coverage, interviews, and testimonials of Hey, It's Free with dozens of different agencies, websites, television programs, books, newspapers, magazines, and influencers.
If you're interested in talking with me about the site or freebies in general, please feel free to contact me on our dedicated press & media contact form.
I found this article online that lists every restaurant willing to give you free food on your birthday and apparently there are over 350 different deals to take advantage of.
Comment by Goob: This video is amazing! Three friends went to 44 restaurants and got $135.04 worth of birthday freebies! I loved this video and just have one note - they would have gotten even more if they're signed up for the rewards programs like they're supposed to!
Turning 50 is a milestone, and there are plenty of ways to mark that big day. Some of them are free. Give yourself a treat by seeking out a few benefits of being older that don’t cost a thing. Some freebies start at age 50 and others have no age requirement. All you need is a little patience when it comes to doing your research and to know where to look.
Ryan Eubanks, owner of the Hey, It’s Free! website, says the most popular page on his site is “birthdays.” Most places require you to join their rewards program at least one month before your birthday to redeem a gift, but there are exceptions.
"I love Hey, It's Free and I've used it before Low Income Relief existed. This is a nationally recognized service that helps you find the best legitimate safe freebies on the internet. They're very careful to avoice spam, junk, and dangerous fake deals."
Comment by Goob: Thank you so much for the shoutout and welcome Low Income Relief viewers!
In recent years, chain restaurants have turned birthdays into freebie bonanzas, rewarding customers with all sorts of menu items, from burritos to big ol’ cups of coffee, on one's big day. Actually, the day-long celebration has turned more into a week-long or even month-long one — the offers (with some exceptions) are usually available both well in advance and well after your birthday itself.
It's not just fast-food chains that are jumping on the birthday bandwagon. You can score deals from movie theaters, cosmetics stores and other companies. The Hey, It's Free website lists more than 300 birthday offers to be had.
Get your hands on free individual issues or full subscriptions to popular publications like Real Simple, O Magazine, and other sources of home decor and lifestyle inspiration at, an online marketplace that publishes deals for free or low-cost magazines and other hobby items.
Hey, It's Free! has been hawking free goods—movie tickets, beauty products, magazine subscriptions, groceries, gift cards, and more—since 2006. It stands out from other freebie sites because of its human curation: The Hey, It's Free! community submits a lot of the deals, ensuring that the offers are vetted and good-quality. The site also clearly states any hoops you have to jump through to obtain your free prize.
Hey, It's Free connects you to free offers of all sorts and is dedicated to the idea of making the search for freebies relatively routine, easy, and fun. After supplying a mailing address and an e-mail address (which they suggest not using you regular e-mail address due to possible overload with inbound offers), you receive free daily offers. Founder Ryan "Goob" Eubanks also specializes in identifying birthday freebies.
The creators of Hey It's Free scour the Internet looking for items free of charge. If you want to get sample packs of Purina dog food or magazines, bookmark this site. Occasionally, you might nab something a bit more valuable — gift cards, nice meals, etc.
You can score everything from small tubes of toothpaste, bottles of shampoo, mouthwash and deodorant to books, magazines, food and clothing. One of the easiest ways to find free samples and products is to visit blogs and sites that cull freebie offers from a variety of sources, such as Hey, It’s Free! Manufacturers such as Betty Crocker, Pillsbury and Procter & Gamble regularly offer a limited supply of samples and full-sized products. (Beware offers that require you to pay for shipping.) And follow your favorite brands, companies or retailers on Facebook and Twitter to hear about freebies first-hand.
Sign up for freebies will in advance of your birthday to clean up on your special day. Go to Hey, It's Free birthday freebies for offers.
Another site with a long list of birthday freebies, Hey It’s Free also is a good source for free offers throughout the year. Find coupons for everything from free food and moisturizer to free comic books and codes for free rewards points.
For birthday freebies, sign up as soon as possible because some freebies require that you sign up a certain period of time before your birthday (like a week or month before) in order to get the offer for that year. And remember that not all locations are participating so you may want to call ahead to verify before you head to the store. See the full list including clickable links at
Want something more than just bills in your mailbox? How about free samples, coupons for laundry detergent, skincare products and candy?
Hey, It's Free does a great job of marking expired offers. Click "Birthday Freebies" for an extensive, frequently updated list of all the places that will hook you up on your big day.
The Internet is filled with coupons, free product samples, and other giveaways that let you nab all kinds of goodies without spending a penny. Hey, It's Free! is a place to find tons of freebies. has put together a very long list of companies who offer birthday freebies. I highly recommend you look through it to see what freebies the various companies are offering and then sign up for the ones you want. In the last few days, I have received e-mailed coupons for free lunch, free lunch with drink purchase, free ice cream, free cookies, free doughnut and drink, BOGO meal coupons and more for my birthday!
From chocolate to movie tickets, there’s a lot of free stuff out there just waiting for you! [has] a lot of great stuff in terms of the variety and quality that’s offered.
The Internet is filled with coupons, free product samples, and other giveaways that let you nab all kinds of goodies without spending a penny. Hey, It's Free! is a place to find tons of freebies.
[One of] the best places to find tons of freebies at once…Be sure to check out the website’s tips, blog posts, and giveaway reminders.
Freebies are awesome…Just how much can you get for free? A recent HeyItsFree post runs down the blogger’s impressive haul collected over a four-week period.
We all love free stuff, whether it’s cheese on a toothpick at the grocery store or a bag of makeup samples with a purchase. The Internet is bursting with giveaways and coupons that let you nab all kinds of cool things without spending a penny.
Who doesn't love free stuff? I know I do! In fact, I haven’t bought eye shadow in years because I have so many (full-sized!) samples thanks to Clinique Bonus Time. And I’ve been known to skip a meal before heading to my local warehouse club, where samples often abound (last time it was cheese ravioli with dried fruit for dessert!).
These days, you don't have to hope you get lucky in stores, though; the internet makes it super easy to score freebies anytime. For our July article “Freebie heaven” we gathered up all the insider tips for finding the best giveaways, plus the gotchas to avoid.
"…Rohlena recommends[sic] for free beauty samples."
There are plenty of other birthday freebies available to anyone…Hey, It’s Free! has a long list of birthday freebies.
From bubble bath to breakfasts, there are tons of businesses that offer freebies as a way to say thanks to customers on their birthday.
Shoppers may soon get more birthday presents from retailers than their relatives. Free gifts and birthday discounts are one of the oldest reward program benefits, and many companies offer them
I was brought into the courts of Hey, It’s Free! (HIF), a nifty little website that has taken on the mission of going out and finding all sorts of free items for you to take advantage of.
"I learned about @HeyItsFree on Twitter after reading ‘Followers Get Free Stuf!’ in the June/July issue. Nows I’ve gotten stuff like Herbal Essences, Pantene, juice, and even cheese snacks!"
"There are actual Web sites such as that track free items offered by companies who maybe just want people to sample their products."
"There are a lot of ways to find fun-size freebies, including getting lucky on frequent trips to the grocery or department store and signing up for endless email newsletters from your favorite brands. But wouldn’t it be nicer if somebody found these goodies for you?"
"The name says it all. It’s (supposedly) run by a guy named Goob, and it sounds like a bad joke, but HIF is not a laughing matter. They post all the freebies available on the Web."
I still don't get why I "supposedly" run this site. If it's not me, then who?!
"I follow @HeyItsFree on Twitter. It’s a site that collects Web freebies. They tweet deals daily! … I’ve gotten free yogurt, a T-shirt, and even beauty products!"
Get to know the aggregators. Follow handles such as @HeyItsFree ... they often tweet about freebie findings.
Who doesn’t like freebies? The sites listed here will show you the way. Each meet our requirement for privacy … we like Hey, It’s Free!
Everyone loves nabbing free stuff. And getting it is easier than you think.
Check out some of the many “freebie” devoted websites out there. is a great example.
FREE products: From t-shirts and mugs to coupons and calendars, this website is devoted to finding the best freebies on the web. After perusing available deals by category, click on the desired link. You’ll be taken to that company’s website where you enter your mailing address and send your free loot on its way to your front door.
Check out regularly for samples and giveaways.
My favorite site for finding these offers is The blogger, Goob, posts the free offers often, and he also provides detailed and accurate instructions on how to get the offer.
Ryan "Goob" Eubanks, of "if I don't find a facebook freebie once every other day, I'm kind of surprised." Ryan "Goob" Eubanks is a freebie fanatic. He runs the site, where he shares his free finds with his readers. He sat down to talk with us via skype. Ryan "Goob" Eubanks, of said, "people who hunt for freebies, they have the attention span of like a 5-year-old. And myself included, if I have to jump through a million hoops just to get free gummies or free anything, I'm not going to do it."
Goob said you can get most freebies on facebook by simply "friending" or "liking" a product's Facebook page. Like this offer from Kraft simply click the "like" button on the Kraft Foods Facebook page, and choose which sample pack you want for free. Goob of said, "Why are so many manufacturers doing this? What's in it for them?" "they kind of trust the sample will sell itself, people will get it and eat it or use it ... And go 'oh, I got to buy this.'"
Find several freebies – with attitude – daily.
Ryan Eubanks … became so good at spotting freebies that he created to share his finds.
There are quite a few people on Twitter who only tweet out freebies, including free food at restaurants and free samples. A few that I follow include @heyitsfree.
Goob is a freebie fanatic. He runs a the website, where he shares his free finds with his readers.
This story was rebroadcast on dozens of affiliates nationwide.
The group behind this site promises that no listed free sample will require the purchase of something else first.
Check out You’ll be privy to the world of free movies, theater, sports events, and dining.
Getting something for nothing has never been easier. Channel 11 found some of the best resources with the Web site These sites work for you, by finding deals and posting them. Channel 11 found coupons for free Hallmark cards, free coffee at Borders, and free detergent and free diapers.
Here, we talk with Ryan Eubanks from, a site dedicated to alerting people to free giveaways on the web, and ask him about how Facebook has changed his business.
Go online and check out…sites like You’ll be privy to the world of free movies, theater, sports events, car washes, and dining.
One internet site that regularly advertises free items is Hey It's Free, which believes the [free snuggie offer that most other websites fell for] is a scam. Read the most recent article (click here) that HIF wrote about Suzzly, and why they believe this offer was simply a way to collect personal information.
Eubanks’ Web site,, posts two or three new offers each day. Some are in-store offers, like the coupon for a free lip gloss at Victoria’s Secret. But most are Internet-only giveaways, such as the free yearlong subscription to Golf Digest.
As more consumers have snapped their wallets closed, desperate companies have are bringing back the once-humble freebie. … According to Ryan Eubanks, founder of deal-spotting Web site, the value of offers on the site has spiked this year, with its volume of daily gimmes up 30 percent.
Sign on to for daily updates on offers for free groceries, fast food, cereal, beauty products and more.
Angie first logged on to the Web site about 7 weeks ago. Since then, she’s received free samples or coupons for more than a dozen items.
Run by a team of eccentric characters, HIF lists only the best freebies on the Web. Who doesn’t love getting something for nothing?
We like They’ll give you a whole list and directory; do you want toiletries, do you want food, do you want iPods, and they tell you where to go.
Ryan Eubanks scours the Internet gathering what he calls legitimate, non-spam-producing offers, posting them to a Web site called
This site is entertaining and full of information about freebies.
Ryan Eubanks…became so good at spotting freebies that he created Hey, It’s Free! to share his finds. Lately, he’s gotten busier because businesses, hurting from a drop in sales, are offering more freebies. Marketing experts and behavioral psychologists said giveaways are more effective than discounts at drawing customers in and persuading them to try a product.
Log on to every day to check out all the latest no-cost, spam-free giveaways that are yours for the taking!
These days, it seems like everyone is trying to save a buck, but nothing beats free. One Web site is promising consumers hundreds of free products in a sluggish economy.
Ever find a free offer only to discover you need to jump through tons of hoops to qualify? Nix the frustration by going directly to
In some cases you don’t even have to leave your home to get free products. One website delivers the goods right to your front door….Today thousands of consumers surf the page to read his reviews and follow through on deals.
We’ve found another gem. Heyitsfree is a blog that was started by 25-year-old Ryan Eubanks when he was in college and broke. He scours the Web daily to find offers that are truly worth the other and posts them on his nicely designed site.
Heyitsfree is just a cool site. There’s a guy out there scouring the net for free deals.
After eating your $5 to $7 lunch on campus, you look into your wallet and find only pieces of lint and a few coins left over. Sound familiar? In a reality where most college students must pinch pennies to survive, a Web site called aims to bring freebies to everybody.
Other mentions include
Hundreds of local ABC, CBS, FOX, and NBC affiliates.
The Denver Post (Denver CO) – Apr. 27, 2009
WSYR (Syracuse, NY) – Jan 13, 2009 – “This is a blog that scours the web daily to find offers that are truly worth the bother.”
12 News NBC (Phoenix, AZ) – Nov. 18, 2008
Wall Street Journal – Nov. 4, 2008
CNN – Nov. 4, 2008 – “Visit Hey, It's Free! for a full list of great election day freebies!”
The Charleston Gazette (Charleston, WV) – October 29, 2008
Times Union (Albany, NY) – October 21, 2008 – “Each day the site updates their listings (after scouring the Web) so you’re bound to find something appealing.”
WXYZ Action News (Detroit, MI) – October 20, 2008
NBC KY3 (Springfield, MO) – October 13, 2008
Honolulu Star Bulletin (Honolulu, HI) – October 13, 2008 – “Having one of those lifetimes on the short end of the stick, and simply swiping a stack of office Post-Its just isn't going to even the score? Then get free stuff with no strings attached.”
WPIX CW 11 (New York, NY) – October 9, 2008
WISN ABC 12 (Milwaukee, WI) – October 7, 2008 – “This is a good web name – Hey, It's!”
Honolulu Advertiser (Honolulu, HI) – October 5, 2008 – “Rank of as the best site for freebies: 1”
NBC Today Show – Oct. 2008
WCBS (New York, NY) – September 29, 2008
MSN Money Central – September 14, 2008 – “Do you want to get free stuff on the Internet with no strings attached and no spam? Incredible as it may seem, you can (at) Hey, It's Free!”
FSView (Tallahassee, Florida) – March 28, 2007 – Web site provides an opportunity for students to save money and try new products.
KHTS (San Diego, California) – July 19, 2006 – AJ's Playhouse Channel 933.