If you want to stop paying money on magazine subscriptions, then this page is for you! Just be careful – not only will you save money, but you might also get so many free magazines that you'll lose every inch of kitchen counter and table space 😀
Below is an auto-updated list of every current free magazine offer we've found, sorted with newest offers at the top.
The date shown after each title is when we most recently confirmed the availability.
Current Free Magazines
- Free Adventure Cyclist Magazine Issue (2/12/2025)
- Free 2025 Angler's Almanac & Bass Magazine (1/31/2025)
- Free Garden & Gun Magazine Subscription (1/23/2025)
- Free 2-Year Esquire Magazine Subscription! (1/21/2025)
- Free Harper's Bazaar Magazine Subscription (1/20/2025)
- Get a Free 1-Year Bon Appetit Magazine Subscription (1/19/2025)
- Free Elle Magazine Subscription (1/19/2025)
- Free Vanity Fair Magazine Subscription (1/7/2025)
- Free Fortune Magazine Subscription (1/6/2025)
- Free LEGO® Life Magazine Subscription (1/2/2025)
- Free Conde Nast Traveler Magazine Subscription (1/2/2025)
- Free PawPrint Magazine Subscription (12/31/2024)
- Free 1-Year GQ Magazine Subscription (12/27/2024)
- Free OUT Magazine Subscription (12/27/2024)
- Free Architectural Digest Magazine Subscription (10/10/2024)
- Free Vanity Fair or Vogue Magazine Subscription (10/7/2024)
- 14 Possible Digital & Physical Magazine Subscriptions (9/25/2024)
- 5 Free PETA Kids Comics (9/6/2024)
- Free US Weekly Magazine Subscription (6/26/2024)
- Free RoadRUNNER Magazine Subscription (5/28/2024)
- Free 1-Year Real Simple Magazine Subscription (4/16/2024)
- Free Fast Company Magazine Subscription (1/30/2024)
- Free Dance Magazine Subscription (1/30/2024)
- Free Bowhunting World & Predator Xtreme Magazine Subscriptions (1/22/2024)
- Free Seed Catalog (12/16/2023)
- Free Netflix Jr. Magazine (12/7/2023)
- Free Wine Spectator Magazine Subscription (11/21/2023)
- Free Cigar Aficionado Subscription (10/16/2023)
- Free The Chronicle of the Horse Subscription (9/29/2023)
- Free Whisky Advocate Magazine Subscription (7/21/2023)
- Free Maxim Magazine Digital Subscription (10/16/2021)
- Free Vegetarian Starter Guide (9/5/2021)
- Free Henry Rifle Catalog and Sticker (8/31/2021)
You can also browse our free magazine archive. This includes both active offers along with expired offers so you can get a feel for the types of freebies typically offered throughout the year.
How to Get Free Magazines
It's amazingly simple. All you need in order to get magazines for free is:
- A mailing address
That's it!
You will never need a credit card number or any payment information. Do not fill out any form that asks for any type of payment for a free magazine!
The selection of titles and number of magazines will change each month. Most offers are for either a free one-year or two-year subscription.
Why do companies give away free magazines?
That has an easy answer – they want your contact information so they can resell it to marketers and advertisers!
Haha, there's just no way to sugarcoat it.
Many times a single brand will sponsor a free offer by purchasing a huge amount of subscriptions to give away, like 50,000. In exchange, they'll receive a copy of the survey results and contact information of everybody who gets the freebie.
So how do you get around this? I'm glad you asked – don't give real personal information!
Can I use fake info to get free subscriptions?
Absolutely! In fact, if anybody asks, my name is Mr. Snrub. No, seriously, I always sign up with the fake name Montgomery Snrub! 😎 And it's fine – the USPS delivers my magazines each month addressed to Mr. Snrub!
On top of that, I always give fake answers about my age and occupation. There's no law saying you have to be honest on the Internet!
For emails, we always suggest using a free email address just for these type of freebie offers.
You just want to make sure to give your actual mailing address so they know where to deliver the magazine issues each month!
Are these magazines actually free?
💯 Yes! I know it seems too good to be true, but these offers are legit for all the reasons I explained above.
Remember, you will NEVER need to provide a credit card or payment whatsoever. Not now, not tomorrow, not ever.
If you somehow reach a page asking for your payment information, even for just a single dollar, then you have mistakenly clicked on a wrong link somewhere and should exit the page immediately.
Will I ever get a bill?
NO! You will never get a bill for your free subscription.
Some magazines will send you a renewal request that looks like a bill, but if you look carefully there will always be fine print text that says “this is not a bill.”
Seriously, I've been running this website since 2005 and have received hundreds of free subscriptions over the years. Not once have I ever received a bill.
Can I get free magazines if I already have a paid subscription?
Absolutely! Free subscriptions actually stack on top of each other! So if you already pay for a magazine, you can “add” additional years to the end of your subscription for free.
Let's say you bought a one year subscription to People magazine and have three months remaining before it expires. If you signed up for a free subscription today, it would start the month after your paid subscription ends. You would then have your three remaining months plus the next 12 months for free, giving you a total of 15 additional months.
There's no limit on these either. Most magazines are offered for free multiple times each year, so you can keep stacking the subscriptions on top of each other and continue getting your favorite magazines for free!
Is there a limit to how many free magazines I can get?
Not that I've ever found! It would be impossible for me to literally count the number of magazines I've got since I started this site over 16 years ago. I've never once encountered any sort of limit!
What can I do with all these free magazines?
Aside from reading them yourself, you could send them to a friend or family member as a present.
You could also donate them to a local library, school, doctor's office, or business. It's always nice to have new reading material in a waiting room.
Do I have to send the magazines to my house?
Nope! You can send them to your office or wherever else you want. Literally any valid USPS mailing address will work.
This also means it's super easy to sign up a friend or family member for a free sub. It's like getting them a gift all year long that you don't have to pay for!
Where can I get digital magazines?
For digital magazines, check out Mercury Magazines and Valuemags listed below.
Companies That Offer Free Subscriptions
What are some websites where I can access free magazines and ebooks to read online?
You can get enough reading material to last for hours every week and still have plenty leftover to donate, use for art projects, or burn in the backyard for impromptu s'mores.
Mercury Magazines
Mercury Magazines are the irrefutable king of magazine freebies and it's not even close. They don't have a central list of available publications on their site, but instead they release roughly 10 to 20 new offers each month, one at a time. You never need a credit card or payment info whatsoever.
When requesting a freebie from MM, you'll always have to answer three simple occupation-related questions. Then, you'll submit your mailing address and that's it!
You can skip all of the subsequent “special offers” by clicking “No Thanks” at the bottom of the page. After you decline all the “bonuses”, you'll eventually reach a confirmation page for your free subscription. However, you don't actually have to load this confirmation page. I always exit out of the browser immediately after submitting my address!
If you don't want to answer the profession questions, then select these basic responses! 1-4 / Other Industries / Homemaker / Other Function / None / None
I've used those answers for years without any problems.
Here are some of the top available Mercury Magazines offer:
- Free 2-Year Esquire Magazine Subscription!
- Free Harper's Bazaar Magazine Subscription
- Free Elle Magazine Subscription
- Get a Free 1-Year Bon Appetit Magazine Subscription
RewardSurvey updates their free title selection on a monthly rotation, like clockwork. The beauty of RewardSurvey is they rotate some high-value magazines, like ESPN, Sports Illustrated, Rolling Stone, Time, and Wired.
One difference with RewardSurvey is they require you to spend “reward points” to redeem magazines. However, these are easily earned by taking short – and random! – quizzes. Seriously, my two most recent quizzes were on my choice of travel methods and my choice in peanut butter flavors.
After signing up and completing a short survey (usually around 20 basic questions), you'll get $20 credited to your account that allows you to request most of the free magazines they offer. These surveys only take about 3-5 minutes to complete and then you can immediately redeem the points for freebies.
You can then log back in once a week, take the new survey, and add more free money to your account that can be redeemed for more free magazines or refer a few friends. All in all it takes me under 5 minutes (usually broken up during commercial breaks while watching TV) to get enough credit for the most expensive magazine offers.
It really pains me to say this, but RewardSurvey has gone so downhill over the past few years, but they do seem to be on a rebound. From 2015-2021, they were a freebie juggernaut. Each month, you could reliable get up to two dozen high quality free magazine subscriptions from titles such as Sports Illustrated, ESPN, Rolling Stone, People, US Weekly, and many more.
However, 2022-2023 was a low-point, as they barely updated their supply and hardly anything was available. However, as of 2024, I've noticed a sharp uptick in offered publications – so fingers crossed they're back for good, baby!
Free Trade Publications, Books, & Magazines
One of the most long standing sections of HIF is our free trade publications area. You've probably never heard of most of these. I sure know I haven't. But since they're insanely specific to certain jobs or professionals, I'll sometimes run across computer or website magazines that I sign up for. Seriously, they have an insanely massive list of free magazines up for grabs.
Give the “topics” list a glance to see if there are any you might find useful!
Valuemags.com routinely offers free magazine subscriptions as well. They typically have 5-15 offers available, with new publications rotating in every month or two.
One nice perk with Valuemags is that they'll email you confirmation of your free magazine subscriptions!
If there are any current Valuemags offers, they'll be listed below:
Recyclebank – Closed in 2022
Recyclebank used to regularly offer anywhere from 40 to over 100 free magazine titles. However, they unfortunately pivoted the direction of their company in June 2022 and stopped offering accounts or freebies to most people
RewardsGold – Closed in 2019
Started in 2005, RewardsGold and their sister site RewardsCountry were the premier sites to get free magazine subscriptions. However, in December 2018, both sites went offline for an overhaul. If and when either site returns, I'll post a full list here.
Now please don't sign up for all of these unless you want to give your mail carrier a hernia. 🙂