Quick, name one toy cooler than LEGOS! ERRRNT, time's up, it was a trick question since there isn't a cooler toy!
LEGOS not only are timeless, but they are amazingly awesome when it comes to fostering creativity. I'm in my 40s and I still find myself constructing skyscrapers and spaceships probably a little more often than I should. I figure a free LEGO® magazine subscription will only help fuel my addiction, but I'm okay with that.
LEGO® Life Magazine is super fun for kids 5-9 years old. It's packed with comics, activities, posters and much more. All issues are delivered right to your door 4 times a year, with no renewal or payment ever required.
You can signup here and you'll start receiving issues with the next mailing! You can also download previous issues from their archive, giving you access to hundreds of cool stories & LEGO builds.