National Consumer Panel Accepting New Users!

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Veteran Hiffers may remember the Nielsen Home Scanner program from years past. They've since merged with another company and become the National Consumer Panel. New name, same money making opportunity!

As luck would have it, I'm a consumer who lives in a nation and loves being on panels, so I was happy to see the NCP is now accepting new applications where you can make money off your normal, everyday purchases!

Upon joining, you're sent a small, handheld scanner to scan the barcodes of all your purchases. Each item gives you points, which you redeem for prizes, gift cards, toys, and household items.

Cash Giveaways

Once you become a National Consumer Panel member, if you scan at least one item each week, you'll earn one entry into their Quarterly Sweepstakes where you can win a $500 Visa prepaid card. On top of that, for each week you send NCP purchase information, you earn one entry into NCP's Grand Prix Sweepstakes where you can win $20,000! Every quarter one lucky panel member wins!

In addition, every month, 20 members who sent in purchase information every week of the month will win a Visa prepaid card.

Hiffer tips, tricks, and loot scores

While scanning individual barcodes after a huge shopping trip might sound tedious, Hiffer Theresa sent in this ingenious tip – take the scanner to the store with you! Then all you have to do is scan items as you add them to your cart! Another idea is to scan items slowly instead of all at once. My friend scans a few items each night while watching TV and I've heard of others getting their kids to do all the scanning 🙂

If you're on the fence about joining, I looked through the comments of our previous NCP posts and found some cool stuff Hiffers reported getting!

The prizes you pick do not cost extra and they are nice. I have received dog beds, MP3 player speakers, really nice spoon measures, and similar stuff. – Doreen

I have done this for about 5 years now. I have gotten a couple of really good gifts. A stereo w cd player and a NICE crockpot. Right now I’m saving for a handheld GPS to go geocaching with. – Susan

I've gotten a toaster, phone and answering machine, hedge trimmer, some other stuff – Melissa

I've only redeemed points for a coffee maker so far, but they add up pretty quickly. – Amanda

I’ve gotten, over the years, mixing bowls, air popcorn popper, paper shredder, and even an upright KitchenAid appliance worth more than $200! – Bobbie

I have gotten 3 phone system, toys, deep fry, 2 dvr's, egg cooker and more. – Sherry

Have any Hiffers joined National Consumer Panel over the past few year since they changed from Nielsen. What are your thoughts on it? How long does it take to earn enough points for decent rewards? Let us know in the comments!

About the Author: Goob

I'm a nationally renowned freebie finder & sample vetter, which I never imagined I'd be doing while getting my Bachelor's Degree in History almost 20 years ago. In my spare time, I enjoy launching my own space program and disproving the Coriolis effect.