Thank You

I have a confession to make. I’m not 100% incompetent when it comes to freebies. I know I’ve missed a bit over the past few weeks and I HATE to make excuses, but long story short I've got cancer and am in the middle of chemotherapy.

I debated announcing this for a while. One of the few ways I’m oldschool is how I don’t like broadcasting my problems to the world. The goofy, semi-moronic character named Goob you see on HIF is the same persona I carry on in my daily life. Just ask any of my ex-girlfriends.

But the fact of the matter is there are days where the chemo kicks my ass. I've never been so tired in my life and this is coming from a guy who used to nap at least twice a day in college. Knock on wood, this will all pass soon, but in the mean time I'm going to keep missing the occasional freebie.

I ultimately decided to publish this because I wanted to say thank you. I wouldn’t be in a relatively rocking position if it weren’t for y’all. I don’t know how many people know this, but HIF is my job. It went from a joke site to paying for an occasional six-pack to a full time, get up and be at my desk by 8am every day job. Okay, 10am. And I love it! I’m my own boss, I can work from anywhere, all successes (or failures!) are mine and I get to fly by the seat of my pants in so many areas. Trust me, I knew nothing of server maintenance or business tax law or negotiating ad rates 24 months ago.

And with this newfound success, I bought health insurance.

So many of my friends and family are still out of work three years running. They don’t have a steady income, let alone health coverage. And the only reason I do is because of each and every one of you.

Had so many of you not emailed, tweeted, liked, shared, stumbled, telephoned, carrier pigeoned, and however else you spread the word about HIF, then this site wouldn’t still exist. I can't even begin to fathom how harder that would have made my life now.

So thank you. Even if all you do is scan the page once of twice a week, that’s one or two more pageviews that ultimately led to me being able to take care of myself and put me in a position of optimism. Thank you, thank you, from the bottom of my fraking heart, thank you.

About the Author: Goob

I'm a nationally renowned freebie finder & sample vetter, which I never imagined I'd be doing while getting my Bachelor's Degree in History almost 20 years ago. In my spare time, I enjoy launching my own space program and disproving the Coriolis effect.

1,076 comments on “Thank You”

  1. Don’t know if you’re a believer but I am and that is enough for this or any other disease as I know prayer warriors.  Does that mean you’ll healed the as human mean healing.  NO, but it does mean that we can pray for healing, comfort, mercy, and peace.  I too have an incurable disease and have for years. and with God’s help I’ve endured the pain and some is torturous.  Hang tuff.  As my friends in the lab say, kick butt and take names.  May God lay his hands on you and may you ask him for your needs.

  2. Goob, I will be praying for your full recovery and healing. Love HIF! Don’t worry about us, just rest and get well. We’ll be here when you’re feeling better. God bless!

  3. I’m so happy you’re in remission. Who is someone who notifies thousands about little free gifts to get cancer? That’s just not right. Please read online articles and maybe that Natural Cures book. I really feel like there are ways to avoid cancer – with proper diet maybe. I don’t know. If you have time, please think about it.

  4. OH and PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE keep your loving fans updated! You are in our thoughts and prayers and we only wish you the best of health and would LOVE LOVE LOVE to know how you’re doing! 🙂

  5. I just now read this post after seeing your “So about that Cancer…” post. I am happy to hear that you are in remission! God bless you, and may God help you through everything in your life. I feel terrible that I did not know/ see this sooner, but I have just recently (say, September-ish?) learned of HIF and that there are GOOD freebies out there, and thanks to HIF’s help I can keep up with them all! Anyway, I want to thank YOU for such awesome posts and witty comments on each of them 🙂 They make my fiance & I smile as we read through them and then quickly sign up for the freebies before they run out! You are SO strong for making it this far, don’t ever give up hope, like your other post said there are MILLIONS praying for you and rooting for you who support and love you, including myself. 🙂 Have a wonderful day, and hey- if there’s a day you don’t feel like getting up out of bed, then DON’T! 🙂 You deserve it, you’re a hard worker & a heck of a guy!

    Best Wishes & GOD BLESS!!!

  6. Thank you for the update. I was wondering about you and am so happy you’re in remission. Thank you for this awesome site. God bless you!

  7. I just saw this. Hope everything is going good & STAY STRONG. never give up hope. & keep us posted.we all love your sense of humor and couldn’t imangine a day without it.

  8. You have an awesome sense of humor and I love reading your wry jokes even more than signing up for the free stuff you post! Hope your energy levels are staying strong and that you’re feeling alright. You’ve got a lot of people cheering for you, as you know.

  9. No, Thank You Goob. You have made being a single Mom a little easier. I know it may not seem like much to you and all your fans, but every little bit of help I get to buy things for me and my son without any other help, is a blessing.

    So, keep fighting, stay strong because I wouldn’t rather go to any other freebie sites then yours because you make it so easy. Being funny and goofy definitely helps.

    I’ve been using this site for about a year or a little longer and I have my moments where I’m not on it as much as I’d like, but when I come back, you are always here. Keep up the good work and you have a lot of people pulling for you. Much love my friend.

  10. Aw, Goob. You’ve brought laughs to my day so many times, just when I needed it most often times. I’ve even laughed like a fool, out loud. Keeping you in my prayers and thoughts is the least I can do. Let us know how you’re doing from time to time.

  11. I am so sorry to hear of your illness. I’m sending positive thoughts and prayers your way. Thank YOU for this website, which has kept me entertained due to sickness and unemployment. Please take care of yourself and surround yourself with supportive family and friends. Thank you again!

  12. I’m praying for you Goob, you have brought me so many laughs and encouragement to try new stuff! I know you can do this faith and hope are your best friends. Have a blessed day!

  13. I am so happy for you Goob! Not only does your site provide me with awesome free stuff but it also provides me entertainment. Thanks for all you do! Also Ignore April she’s a parasite of the lowest form.

  14. I am SO GLAD, yes GLAD! that I had a chance to read this before it got buried!! I’ve been with HIF for aLONG time and mention it to everybody that happens to be at the house when I check the mail and get something WONDERFUL!!
    That being said, TAKE CARE OF YOU GOOB!!! We appreciate all of this wonderful “home”work that you do and look forward to much more!
    I hope they kill that C outta you!!

  15. I am so sorry to hear of your illness. I think that your positive attitude and great sense of humor will see you through this ordeal! Take care of yourself, and listen to your body when it says you need to rest! We will all keep checking back!

  16. Wow, Im so sorry to hear of your health prayers are with you…and God will get you through this..we are all here for you Goob! Thank you for your humor and what you do for us..No one compares to the Goob! 🙂 Bless you friend..huggss

  17. So sorry to hear about your health. Hang in there, be strong, and take care of yourself! We’re all rooting for ya!

    And thank you for the coolest and best freebie site on the internet!

  18. Hey Goob,
    In battle with C myself, just a different kind. Not doing the same approach as you but fighting hard nonetheless. Humor is so important and your posts have many time brought just the laughter I needed at a specific moment. Find things to be thankful for each day and laughter as often as you can!

    Thanks for the freebies you find. So glad you made it a full time job and can be at home.

  19. Goob, I almost choked on my coffee when I read this. I think all of us have considered your wit and ceaseless jokes, jabs, and smile-inducing comments to be indestructible…but what a tall order!

    From all of us, we wish you the best.

  20. You are in my prayers tonight and always. With God’s grace, you will conquer this and be stronger than ever.

    Thank you for this website, it is wonderful!

  21. Goob, ain’t no hill for a steppa’. Since you obviously don’t dwell on it, you will be fine! I have diabetes and a whole host of other issues and I deal with it with a healthy bit of denial. I don’t mean that I just ignore it but I manage it and don’t sit and dwell on it. The doctors say that the people with the healthy attitudes are the ones that do best and I believe that! Keep us laughing; my dogs look at me like I have lost my mind when I bust out laughing while reading your comments! Take care.

  22. Im sure no one will blame your for missing a few freebies, your web site was the first one I every visited looking for freebies and im sure I wont stop coming just for a few missed freebies. Never had cancer myself but I have seen many family with it and still have family that is dealing with cancer or als. You keep getting all the rest you need. Thank you for shareing your story i realise it probably took alot to write and click that send button. Sending you smiles and laughter like you send us every day.. Hope you start feeling better soon…..

  23. Goob,

    You have been a ommom name in our household for quite some time now. Please know that our family is praying for you. You have a HUGE support group following you!!! Please keep us updated on how you are doing. Thanks for everything!!

  24. Goob, I started reading your site over a year ago. I’m glad this is your job, cause it makes my day have a little more laughter, not to mention free stuff 🙂

    Take care of yourself.. we’ll be here when you get back.

  25. Goob,

    Just want to wish you a speedy recovery.

    It is clear by the amount of posts you are getting that you have touched everyone here in a very positive manner and I hope we can in some way return some positive energy to you as well.

    Best wishes,

  26. Goob,
    You were there for me awhile ago when everything was awful for my family. We love reading the posts and signing up for the freebies and then racing to the mailbox to see what freebies came that day. Hey It’s Free was my distraction to all the problems and now it’s just fun. Thank you!
    I wish I could help you as much as you’ve helped me. You are in my prayers. All the best wishes to you for a speedy recovery.

  27. Goob, I will also be praying for you. You have made a difference in people’s lives with this website. If I am feeling down about life I come here and read the entries on here, not for the freebies (that is a huge bonus though) but for the way you write about them. The humor on this site is contagious and has chased away many a bad mood. So thank you so very much for sharing with us your sarcasm and jokes. They make the world a brighter place.

  28. Love your website, I have been a fan for a while now. I pray God will give you a speedy recovery & I can’t imagine how you do both chemo & run this site. Thank you & God Bless!

  29. Thank you for making my day a little brighter everytime I get a sample in the mail. May God be with you and may you have a speedy recovery!

  30. I LOVE Hey its FREE! I don’t even check the other pages any more. Promise to continually visit your site updated or not. We all know someone friend or loveone who has been through this. Stay Strong!

  31. Praying for you. So glad you are staying positive and that I am able to help in a very small way. My daughter found your site and referred me and I in turn have referred tons of others and will continue to do so.

  32. I will pray for u and keep up the good work when u can. I love the freebies. If not for this site I would not had as nice of a birthday as I did…

  33. hang in there brotha,

    too bad we all have cancer & are born with it….. sadly our body just decides when to activate it…. never, ever give up!

  34. I have to say I had to re-read the fine blue print! I will be praying for you and wishing you well!!! I am sure you have an army of loving friends and family and your cyberspace family too, that care for your well-being and support you!!! It makes me want to tell even more people about HIF…I think I’ll do just that!

    take care of YOU!

  35. Goob,
    I know what you’re going throught and I will keep you in my thoughts. Best of wishes for a speedy recovery and Good Luck with the Fight!

  36. I’m so glad you can laugh and joke with so much going on in your life. I’m a firm believer that will help you win the fight. Hope you don’t mind I have already included you in my prayers and will continue if that’s okay. You make us laugh (once til a little bit of pee came out). We love you and get better fast.

  37. Goob, this news certainly took all of us by surprise. All this time you were making us laugh and we didn’t know what was going on behind the scenes. In the scheme of things, we can live without freebies. It’s not that important. Best recovery wishes to you.

  38. So sorry to hear about your cancer and tough treatment. You have tons of people praying/cheering/rooting for your speedy recovery. I understand how you feel about not sharing personal stuff, but to most of us you’re like family. A “goofy, semi-moronic” part of the family, but at least I hear from you every day. 🙂

  39. I hope everything goes well for you. Thank you for all the information you provide. I really enjoy your website! I will be praying for you that God will keep you strong and heal you!

  40. Wish u the best. I tell everyone that will listen about HIF..My husband say its like Christmas 6 days a week when we open the mailbox, because you never know what is going to be in there. Hope you have a speedy recovery and i will wait for any and all freebies you sen my way.

  41. Hey, Goob. I’m really sorry to hear this happened to you! You’re such a wonderful person and you don’t deserve this. Just stay strong and try to fight this, alright? I don’t know what would happen if I couldn’t see another funny, witty post from you. I’ll keep in my heart and I send you all my love.

  42. Goob, thank you so much for all you do for us! Knowing that coming to your site helps you makes me want to visit as often as possible. I will keep you in my prayers praying for your complete and expedient healing. When you get the chance look up soursop/graviola tea. It is touted as effective in killing cancer in the body naturally! Stay strong! So many of us love and appreciate you! Don’t ever let your humor go away!!

  43. Goob- sending lots of good wishes your way. Be strong like bull as you fight your way thru this. You can do it!!! Stay positive
    and thank you so much for all you do. Can we as all your fans call ourselves “Goobers”? I am definitely a Goober!!!

  44. I’m a little slow, so just sae ur message on having cancer. I’m sorry to hear it and send ur love and light. Get better. We’re all behind you.

  45. Thanks so much for sharing this. I understand it must have been a difficult decision to make. My Grandmother is getting ready to start chemo again tomorrow after several years of remission. (She has Chronic Leukemia) It’s so hard on her and the family as well. I live several states away and I live every day in deep remorse of not being there with her. I travel back and forth as often as I can. Sometimes it’s nice knowing there’s people out there who understand what you or your family are going through. Many blessings will come your way!

    I must admit, I do love your site!! I check it daily…well, ok, several times a day! You do a wonderful job!!

  46. WOW!!!! Thanks for sharing and I’ll bet in sharing you’ve
    made alot of other people feel better about their situations too.

    You’re amazing for alot of reasons so hang in there and keep us posted about what we KNOW will be good news later on!!! In the meantime, feel free to nap away!!!!!!!!

    I usually click in to your page everyday ’cause you’re so good at what you do & have such a great sense of humor.

    I had no idea that you were a solo act & that HIF was your “Baby” from the start. What a great and successful idea! Lucky for us you thought of it. I’ve tried other sites and yours beats them all!!!!

    We’re all pulling for you and with your positive and optimistic nature you’ll do great!!!!

    Best of luck,

    Donna (another HIF and Goob fan)

  47. Just one more prayer to go with all the rest…I pray you have the strength, courage and peace it takes to get through this. I will be happy to add your name in the LDS Temple for extra prayers in your behalf if you would like me to. Gotta’ love extra prayers, right? Just let me know.

    I thoroughly enjoy your website and have recommended it to many friends and family. Thanks for doing such a wonderful job. You are loved an appreciated.

  48. Goob, I hope you are fairing well with your chemo. You can kick cancers butt!
    We have faith in you 🙂
    I love your website, and we all understand if you miss a few freebies here and there, I mean, we wouldn’t get as many if it weren’t for you anyway!

  49. Goob!!
    Im sorry man that this happened, but just by your comments and posts on HIF i believe that you will battle back and beat this disease!! I’ll keep looking on the net and see if anybody is giving away FREE CHEMO Samples, your website is part of my daily life i have to check at least twice a day!! Don’t give up, stay strong and laugh!

  50. Look for one thing every day that brings you joy, smile even when you don’t feel like it (I have found my mood improves by raising the corners of my mouth…strange but true 🙂 ), find someone else who has a need and make their day (and that’s not always about things) and trust God. In the end no matter what happens you’ll have lived a life of worth and that’s more than many can say. Just bringing us all the freebies each day brings me joy. Thank you and God bless you.

  51. Wishing you the best. We have been through cancer in my family as well. Take care of yourself and we will keep checking your site.

  52. wishing you the best and fastest speedy recovery. I appericate you for what you do- your site is the best EVER!!!!! I tell my friends about it cause not only are we getting freebies but you have a great sense of humor.

  53. I hope you kick the cancers A$$…My family will be praying for you.

    Love the humor you put into your findings. Thanks for keeping everything upbeat.

    No worries about missing a freebie every now and then.

    Also, I pretty much never log into the HIF website, I do everything from your email newsletter…do you still get your $0.00000001 when I open that email? If not, I can start adding HIF to my list of daily websites to check. It is just soo easy to wait for the email to come in, and it is always there if I am traveling to check out later.


  55. Thanks for all you do….your comments even for products I have zero interest in always manage to make me smile. You are a true talent and a great wit, and I really appreciate you. I know you will be back to yourself very soon…..and all of this will be a distant memory. Every best wish…

  56. Goob!!!! <3 I'll be praying for ya buddy!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE all you do! I've shared your site with everyone I know. Heck, I even share it with the check out folks when I'm using an amazing coupon and they want to know where I got it! I know you can beat this….we all need you here!! Take care my friend. You have a lot of love here backing you up!!

  57. Best of luck to you!!!! This is a difficult road but your positive outlook will make a huge difference. You will be in my prayers!

  58. Hi Goob!

    I am sorry to hear that you are not well. I hope with each day that you get better and stronger. I will keep you in my prayers.
    I love going to your site everyday. It is always fun to read your blogs about the Freebies. I have gotten so much stuff because of you! I so appreciate!
    Take care!

  59. Goob — Like everyone else I wish you the best on your recovery and want you to know that I have so much enjoyed your site – it always brings a smile to my face during the workday! I will add you to my prayers and hope that you will be cancer free soon. Keep positive and remember that we all care deeply for you and know that you will feel better very soon!

  60. Like so many of the other comments listed, I wish you a quick & speedy recovery. You don’t realize how much of a difference you can make in just one persons (that you don’t even knows) life until you share what you are going thru with us. Thank you for all that you do. Hope you are feeling better very soon.

  61. Don’t you worry about all of us…pour you energy into fighting this disease! Remember…attitude is half the battle!! We’re all behind you…draw strength from the knowledge that you have hundreds of friends cheering you on!! Keeping positive thoughts for you…

  62. Thoughts and prayers for you for peace and healing. Your site brings a smile to my face, and sometimes a freebie to my mailbox.

  63. The best advice I got and never listened to…during cancer/chemo was sit back and rest. Drinks tons of water. You & HIF are the best..I’m rooting for you.

  64. Keeping a good thought for you. My Aunt is 20+ years cancer free after surgical, chemo and radiation treatments. Be strong, have faith and know good thoughts are coming your way.

  65. Praying for you! Your wit can always make me smile and I hope all of the nice comments from the 1000 or so people on here make you smile!

  66. I hope you get well soon. You were the first freebie site I found and have been enjoying all the freebies I get in the mail. Wishing you all the best with your recovery. My freebie to you is to be cancer free.

  67. Hello,
    Wishing you the best of luck. I had 2 family members go thruough the same thing and came out survivors so you will too!

  68. Oh Goob, I wish you the best in this hard time. You’ve really truly affected many peoples lives and Im just here to say that I wish you a speedy recovery and I’ll be praying for you!

  69. Hey: Goob, my heart goes out to you. I’m out on sick leave since June and I manage to go on this site at least 4 times a week vs. my email. A speedy recovery. May the angels watch over you. Wishing you good health.

  70. Love the freebies you find, love love love your funny/witty freebie descriptions, and love that you are brave enough to share your news with us. Thanks Goob. Lot’s of prayers for strength coming your way! All the best to you.

  71. Everything will be ok luv. Im sure you’ll see it through. With a personality like yours. Nobody can help but to send their love to you, and we should be thanking you for these freebies. I discovered this site this paty year my freshman year of college, and it has gotten me through some days and nights, and even saved me money. So Thank You and I wish you well <3

  72. With your sense of humor I know you can get through this even stronger than ever! I’m looking forward to checking the site everyday for your next post: “FREE of cancer!” We’re all with you, buddy

  73. Goob, sorry to hear about your health. on a positive for you~my hubby battled leukemia 17/18yrs ago. chemo,radiation,transplant~he stayed positive and won the battle. so…keep your chin up and know you have a lot of prayer warriors going to battle for you.

  74. prayers are coming your way.. also thank you for all of the time you have contributed making your website the only freebie website that i find myself going to!

  75. Thank you for all the cool stuff you have helped me get. I wish you best of everything, remember that we are all praying for you and have you in our blessings. I was shocked to hear of your condition, but it’s just a small obstacle in this thing we call LIFE. Don’t worry, you’ll come back stronger with more strong-will and life experience. With it all, you can overcome anything!!!! Go, Goob!

  76. Remember that “laughter is the best medicine”.
    That said, if someone offers you some freebie chemo … you might want to just say NO.
    Take care!

  77. Thank YOU for the laughs and now tears. Stay strong, keep your sense of humor, and you will get through this. Sending lots of good vibes and prayers your way!

  78. You are a bright spot in my day!
    I always look forward to visiting every day.
    Thank for your hard work and caring ways.
    Hang in there Goob!
    Hey how did you get that name anyway?

  79. i just wanted to thank YOU for the free little presents in my mailbox — for me, my kitty, my sister’s amazon dachschund, my boyfriend. thank you, thank you.

  80. God Bless – not only do I have my sister with her radiation therapy, but I can also offer prayers for the health of one of my “favorite people” websites. With God, all things are possible and if I can storm heaven with prayers for her, know that you are also included.

  81. My sister and I were having a cup of coffee and she asked me if I read this yet. Before we knew it we were visibly sad and wanted to let you know we are praying for you… You have somehow become part of our lives and we truly pray for quick healing and peace through it all.

  82. Goob, since I found this site, I click on it twice a day–one of the first things I check in the morning with my breakfast, and then click at the end of the day as well. So, if all that adds up to 10 cents towards your health care, I’m happy to do it. I work in a health care field for over 30 years, I can tell you that amazing developments have come over those years. My sister is personally fighting Primary Peritoneal Cancer and in 5 months into the fight and doing fantastic! YOU WILL NOT ONLY SURVIVE, YOU WILL THRIVE. Hang in there.

  83. They say that having a support network helps speed recovery. I’d say that judging by the number of supportive comments posted here, you’ll be feeling better in no time. Chin up, Goob, we’re all thinking of you!

  84. Sorry to hear about the cancer. I am in the same boat, but without health coverage. I’m glad you don’t have to worry about losing a job and this site helps you earn a living. I have enjoyed being a subscriber the past 2 years or so. Best wishes to you.

  85. Best of luck & prayers your way. I miss your posts & freebies. Hope you will be back to your normal self quickly. In the meantime, do you have a site that you would recommend to find the current great freebies & deals, until you’re back to posting again?

  86. Sending prayers and *hugs* I just finished my 6th chemo—double mastectomy next week and then 6 weeks of radiation–stay strong :-}

  87. Good luck to you!! So sorry to hear about this, but stay optimistic!! And thank YOU for all those freebies!!! I truly do enjoy checking out your site and reading your jokes 🙂

  88. Just checkin’ in here first, to give you a giant dose of everything good I can muster up in my oh so inventive mind. I hope can can feel it. I am smiling so much as I write this, that my face hurts. Of course, deeply saddened about the cancer – I am love to read these comments & hear how much people think about you. Yesterday, I wrote a stupid knock, knock joke (kind of). Then, I wrote down your real name to write a limerick with, for later. I don’t even know if you’ll see it, but probably, knowing you. You are one dude that rock’s! I love ya man.

  89. Wow, sorry to hear about that ! I always have a ball when I check out your freebies. Don’t go nuts trying to keep up, that could make you a little testy. I always love getting a free package from companies I find on this site. Even if it’s a sack of junk !

    Hope your balls kick cancer’s ass ! ! !

  90. Hi. I am new to your site. I am very sorry to hear about your health problems. I am glad to now you have health insurance so that you can get treatment. Sometimes you need to broadcast things – that is how you will find strenght, love and prayers thru all those that look at yhour site. Now you are not just a website for freebies your are a friend. I will pray for you and look forward to hearing about your being well again.

  91. I wanted to drop a note to say thanks for all you do. I was introduced to a product about a month ago and I and my husband have seen amazing results in a very short amount of time. A 15 minute report can be found here There is an update report and a link for ordering here There is a great business opportunity if you would like to pass the information on to any of your family that you mentioned being out of work for a while now. It is not a pyramid, it is direct marketing. If you would like more information, just let me know. May you and yours have a blessed day.

  92. Hey man I’m going to pray for you, God is my savior and I know that he cares about you a whole lot, best wishes to you! 🙂

  93. Oof..sorry to hear:( Stay strong and positive! I love your site and will check in even more frequently to help out with the 0.0001 cents!

  94. What do you say to that? I do hope all will be well with you. I do check your site every couple of days to get a giggle from you silly behavior. You seem as though you are fun and easy going. tell you a secret…and you can’t tell. I click on your links and not the other sites. I know that you guys get a little bit of moolah when we click off your site..hhaa You seem to post stuff that people would want, not stuff that makes us feel like we have to get it because it is such a good deal. I do wish you the best and know that you can beat it with your attitude. The only thing you need to do is put on a smile and a hat lol sorry if that is akward?!

  95. Love and prayers are sent your way my brutha!!!! Thanks for all you do, all you say, and all the smiles and laughter that you bring each day. Awww…I rhymed! 🙂 I hope you are getting a “FREE” sticker each time you visit the doctor for being such a good patient 🙂 ((((((HUGS))))))

  96. Awww, tear :'( I appreciate all you do. Goob, you are wonderful and I pray all good things come your way. Take your time.. heal… we’re not going anywhere. 🙂

  97. sending love and positive energy your way, goob! thank YOU for providing this awesome site, full of wit and humor. you make my day a few times a day! much love!

  98. I’m so sorry. Sucks, how things like this happen in life. We’re here one moment and than we’re gone. I truely hope things go well and you get many more years to live. Life is amazing no matter how confusing or lost we get, waking up everyday, drinking a cup of tea or coffee. . . its amazing. On a lighter note try doing the kirby everynow and than. <('o'‘o’)> v( ‘.’ )v <('.'<)

    Best Wishes,
    Liza Ibarra

  99. My prayers of healing and strength are going out to you. I too am a cancer survivor and know that chemo can be brutal. Fight with all your might and you will beat the heck out of it. Thanks for sharing your journey with us, we are like family who doesn’t see one another but we know that we are out there and we love and care for each other. We’ll be here for you!

  100. Goob,

    Thanks for all the freebies and good links and how to’s you have given me/us.

    I wish you all the best / recovery and continued optimism.

  101. I’ll be keeping you in my thoughts and prayers. Be strong, and know that there are alot of people you have touched not only with this site, but with the humor you bring to it, and they will be fighting for you in thought and prayer. Be strong!

  102. From one survivor to another (yes, you are a survivor) I wish you well. Don’t overdo it on anything. Take all your meds. And, say it as many times as you need to – chemo sucks.

  103. My thoughts and prayers are with you, I know how hard chemo and radiation are, it knocks you completely off your feet, Thank God for the medicines they can give you know when the chemo makes you sick, I have been in remission a little over a year, just keep fighting!!!

  104. Your site has made me the freebie queen in my family. Thanks to you and I know you will be better. Good thoughts for you always.

  105. Hey Goob!! So sorry to hear about your illness. It appears that you have so many people praying for you and sending positive and healing thoughts that I know all of this positive energy will help you to heal. Your great sense of humor and attitude towards life will also contribute to you beating cancer. Only love and positive thoughts!!!!

  106. I hope you have a good recovery Goob. I love your site. When I promote to people, I tell them I’ve gotten everything from condoms and lube to cookies and granola bars. Keep fighting. Be strong. I love freebies.

  107. THANK YOU for all that you do! Thank you for your honesty and for putting a face with this web-site…you have really made it personal for me…thank you for your hard work.
    Sending healing thoughts your way.
    Be strong.
    Stay positive.
    Please keep us, all of your fans, updated.

  108. Dear Goob,
    You and your site have brought me so much happiness. On days when I thought nothing could cheer me up, I’ve found myself laughing hysterically over your jokes. The new samples in my mailbox every day or two go a long way towards lifting my spirits as well. I’ve never faced anything as serious as what you’re going through but living with depression, as I do, can make everyday life feel hard sometimes. Thank you for brightening my days. My love and thoughts are with you.

    -A Loyal Hiffer

  109. Thank you for creating this site and for sharing your personal struggle with us! Best of luck to you and stay and live strong!

  110. Many positive thoughts and karma coming your way. you and your site turned me on to great free samples and other sites, if that counts you will be fine and 100% back to normal very soon. I have passed on your site to many people and the free samples, take a break, enjoy your down time we will all be here when you feel like coming back.

  111. Prayers being sent to you Goob, We appreciate all you do for finding us freebies and we can wait until yo get better to get us more. I tell everyone about your site, love the freebies and humor. Get better soon

  112. I came to this site for the freebies. The witty humor was a bonus, so I passed along your site to the girls I work with. Now that you have come clean, I can now help by passing along your site to all the girls I know. Consider it a big hug from from the Hoosiers.

  113. No, thank you. Your site has been with me while I was doing some savvy budgeting as well as the times when I was simply down on my luck. The number of times I have benefitted from you being here I am not able to recount. How many people are kind enough to just alert people of free things all while being funny?

    I am shocked and saddened to hear the news of your sickness. You should know that my thoughts are with you and my greatest wish is for you to get well soon. So we understand right now. I look forward to the day you write us with news of your recovery.

  114. knock, knock… Who’s there? cancer. Nice try, cancer. But, if you’re here to take Goob somewhere… he would never ride with a stranger. He chose to ride in a hydroplane, in sh#t creek (I couldn’t decide if he would choose to go the traditional Up route, or try a Down route – sounds negative, but down – not always bad!). With CHEMO-sabi driving, and friends w/super human, turd avoiding oaring skills (so even if you skip into the creek for a time or two, you’ll be ok). You have other friends & followers you’ve never even met, that are expressing their love & praying for your quick recovery.
    You better get your free toilet paper, & diaper wipes samples together. It’s gonna be a stinky cleanup party (better get some of those perfume samples, too.

    p.s. You were the FIRST site I ever trusted. You are the FIRST site I ever visit, even before my emails. You are the ONLY site I recommend to friends. You are the ONLY site I completely trust.

    I’m praying for you & your family & friends.

  115. Goob, you rock…if attitude has anything to do with recovery, you will be just fine (and I’ll send up some prayers, too). I just found your site a few months ago and can’t believe the freebies that have come my way since then. Not to mention that it always makes me laugh, which is a precious commodity these days, too.

    But this particular piece of writing is flat-out amazing, in the way it captures how our world has changed, both as a result of the recession and the global community known as the Internet. That more than 850 people would feel compelled to share words of encouragement to someone they will probably never meet or talk with is pretty cool, and gives me hope for the future.

    My family’s long-term unemployment (24 of the last 31 months) just ended this week. Hang in there, all you who are still looking. And stay strong, Goob. We’re all behind you.

  116. Praying for you Goob, My mom just went through that… you will make it out just fine! God Bless you. And thanks for all the freebies! I myself had been out of work for a couple of years. Sometimes that free food sample or free soap really helped me feel like I was doing something for my family. Thank you. Hang in there!

  117. Goob, I’ve been stopping 3+ times a day just see what’s new anyway and that’s a habit. HIF was my first and will always be my favorite freebie site, I ain’t quitting you man. I look forward to more of your special kind of wackiness and insight in the quest for free stuff! Hangin’ w/you, `(•.°)~

  118. Goob, thank you! You’ve created a funny and rewarding environment that keeps me glued to your site. I wish you all the best. This too shall pass. God bless you, Goob!

    PS HIF was mentioned in this month’s All You magazine as a safe freebie site. Congrats on your success!!!!!!!!! You’ve worked very hard to achieve it!!

  119. Been following you for a few years now. Your posts always make me smile. It’s very inspirational to hear about the success of this site. I very much appreciate the freebie links! Gotten some cool stuff thanks to your posts. I’ve recommended you to others as well and will continue to do so. Wishing you the best — I’ll be sending some prayers up for you.

  120. Goob, You do so much for us, taking the time to make us happy with your freebies, now it is time for us to do something for you, your almost through with the toughest part, and everysingle one of us will be praying for you.
    much love —
    Bella from Florida.


  121. Kudos to you for hanging in there with your chemo and trying to have a normal life. I am having health issues also and I know it is not easy to keep your everyday routines.

  122. I am so sorry to hear about everything you are going through. You are in my prayers. My dad is battling cancer to and i know how much it can drain you. Just keep your head up and stay positive… 🙂

  123. With your positivie attitude, you’re going to outsmart this cancer! Kick it’s butt. Your health is #1, we can wait, we’ve all been here for you, we will continue to be here. Take care of yourself and we can’t wait til youre back, full time!!! Good luck. 😉

  124. I believe that being optimistic and having a positive attitude goes a long way in helping the healing process. You are a very positive and funny guy! While I’m sure it’s hard to stay positive all the time, I’m sure you will do it. Good luck!

  125. I hope your recovery period will be a quick one! Thank you for adding laughter to my life……love your site! Keep the faith………..

  126. I love this website and the humor always makes my day more cheerful. I wish there was something I could say that would make what your going through easier but all that I can think of is that we are all thinking of you and you are in our prayers. You are a special person that makes our days brighter because you are in them.

  127. You can get through it I know you can Goob. You are so totally funny and awesome. I’m always telling my husband something else funny you have said and u always got him cracking up. Thanks for always hooking everyone up with all the awesome freebies. I thinker so great. I think I have told everyone I know about this site now lol it is my fav. , have it as homepage so I know u get tons of previews from me. Don’t give up on yourself, try everyday,every hour and min. Keep ur head up and stay chill. Remember we are all here for u if u need someone.

  128. I’d like to let you know, that you’re very special because I actually pressed the “pg dn” button for ten seconds just to post a comment (:
    I love your sense of humor and you (:
    Hope you get better, and it’s nice to know that even if something hurts or you’re dead tired, you still post a humorous something on HIF (:
    With much love,

  129. I’m sorry to hear you have cancer. You have created a wonderful site and your humor helps me cheer up. My thoughts and best wishes go to you.

  130. You are truly one of a kind. My thoughts and prayers are with you! What you do brings great joy to my life, and so many others! Thank you, keep your head up, and I wish you all the best!

  131. You are AMAZING!!! Obviously, you touch a lot of lives in a positive way including mine.

    I truly appreciate all that you do and am proud of you. You are an inspiration!

    I wish the best!

  132. Good luck to you in these hard times. Cancer is a tough one, but you can get through this. Hang in there and keep up the positive thoughts. Thank you for all the goodies and happiness you have brought to so many. Take care!

  133. I have gotten so much free crap off this website I just want to say thank and I hope you get better. And it’s not praying to any superstitious god that will help you. It is modern science. I hope it helps you.

  134. Goob, You have given so much to us. I hope we can do the same in return by our thoughts and prayers. Take it one day at a time. Thank you for all you do.

  135. I am in the cancer field. I can’t say that MY prayers will do you any good. But I hope that you are getting good care and good treatment. Fight the fight

  136. Goob, best wishes and and I will keep you in my thoughts. Hang in there and keep your chin up. Also, Thank You for bringing this page to life. I love it!

  137. Wow! Look at all these people who are praying for you! There’s documented proof that prayers help heal. I’ll pray too. Think positive, Goob. You’ll beat it!

  138. YOu are in my prayers. Thank you for finding us such great freebies. I enjoy your site so much…I have gotten so many good things from HIF! Stay strong and just look above and all of the people who have commented and know how we are all thinking of you.:)

  139. You are an amazing person who’s brightened up my day more than once because of your dorky jokes (especially during finals week!).

    I wish a million good things upon you and hope that you get better soon.

  140. Thank You for all your hard work.
    Should of let everyone know earlier, all the more prayers going up for you.
    Feel better soon!
    ps. your site is my favorite!

  141. I am praying for you & hope you get well soon. I love coming to your site and reading your jokes. Thank you for all you do.

  142. Oh man Goob, please take care. I visit for the freebies but mostly because you make me laugh… thank you for that, and thank you for sharing. Praying for you!

  143. You/HIF were my very first “freebie” site and you are still the first one I check every morning. You just get over this round of chemo, and you’ll be back in the saddle before you know it. Sleep your ass off, we’ll still be here when you wake up! xxoo

  144. I am praying for a speedy recovery for you. Please know that your website fans care for you and appreciate all that you do. Take good care of yourself and don’t feel guilty about taking time off to rest, you need it to heal your body. Live, love & laugh!

  145. Hey Goob, im so glad i discovered you’re website, it’s really a great idea. I Wish you all the postive energy in the world , Take care!

  146. My prayers go out to you, Goob. Keep up the hope, Goob. Keep your strength up. You can fight this. We are all here for you. -))

  147. I hope you are feeling better very very soon. You have such a wonderful sense of humor. I will pray for your quick recovery.

  148. I wish a speedy recovery and millions of good wishes! I’ve had many people in my life who have fought and won against cancer so just keep fighting and you’ll beat it!!!

  149. Prayers for you! Love your site and I tell all my friends and family about it. There are days when your words give me (and I’m quite sure a lot of others) the uplift we need for the day. Take care!

  150. Goob, My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
    And most of all ( Im sure I can speak for everyone here ) don’t worry about us, we are not going anywhere and will gladly wait for you to get better.
    That is the most important thing right now. You make sure you get lots of rest, try not to worry and make sure you eat heathy.
    Please take care of yourself and God Bless You.

  151. My thoughts are with you Goob, take care of yourself, if that means losing out on a teensy sample of shampoo or cereal that’s fine with me.

    I hope you’ll be feeling better soon! *hugs*

  152. wow-kid, that’s some sad news– but with all the prayers and well wishes- I believe you’ll be just fine — keep smilin’ and stay positive!! **hugs**!!! -linda

  153. My thoughts and prayers are with you. I’ve fought cancer once already and its back for round two, but I know if you’re anything like me, you’re a tough cookie ans this is just a tumor in the road! Take it easy, get your rest… your HIF’ers are rooting for you and will celebrate your victory over this soon!

  154. I hope you get well soon! You’re an awesome guy who’s saved all of us frugal people tons of money. And you also make us laugh. All in all, you’re pretty amazing, and I hope things go well.

  155. Thank you for sharing with us. I went thru 48 weeks of chemo giving myself weekly shots in the stomache and during that time, your site often brought a much needed smile or laugh. Let your family members or readers help you get thru the trying times! Good luck with everything!

  156. Hey Goob,

    I am sending positive thoughts about your junk to you over the web. Best wishes to you–and all your loved ones who are going through this ordeal with you!

  157. We love you Goob!!! Don’t worry about taking some time off my friend 🙂 Have I mentioned WE ALL LOVE YOU!?!?!? Keeping you in our thoughts and prayers.

  158. You made me laugh, but now I cry. Get well soon.

    A bend in the road is not the end of the road… unless you fail to make the turn.

  159. Goob, sorry to hear this, but stay strong and don’t worry if you don’t feel up to doing this every day! Your site is absolutely the BEST, easiest to navigate and has the added (wonderful) bonus of your personality, which with one quip can lift my spirits. Your HIF devotees will be there unseen and we do really care about you.

  160. You know we are all praying for you,Goob. You brighten our lifves every day, so it’s only right that we should keep you in our thoughts. You can beat this.

  161. You’re gonna make me cry! I wish you all the best, and every bit of luck you can possibly find. One of my family recently passed away from cancer related complications, and I pray I never have to cry over you, because if anything happened to you it might just break my heart.
    Please have a wonderful life, with many many more adventures to go

  162. Good luck to you! I will say a prayer for your recovery. One of the favorite parts of my day is to check out this site. Love your comments and the freebies. I tell everyone about this site. When I come home from work, never know what is in the mail, but its like getting a little present everyday. Stay strong.

  163. Wow Goob. Sorry to hear that!!! Know that you and yours are in our thoughts and prayers. 🙂 Get Well soon!!

    (I’m in remission myself, so I’ve got faith in the Man Upstairs that you’ll make it)

  164. Have been a fan for about a year now.. love your comments, you always make me laugh or smile!

    My best to you… more positive energy and prayers coming your way!

    Good luck and try to keep a positive attitude! If you need ANYTHING I think you have about 50,000+ followers that would love to help! Me included!

  165. You are funny, witty, and cool and that’s why I keep checking out your page. Well, that and the freebies 🙂 I’m sure you’ll beat this with your positive attitude. Stay strong!

  166. I will say a prayer for quick recovery and good health!! Thanks for all you do – I got myself a coupon for free bottle of shampoo from here 🙂

  167. Interesting how tragedy can put a very human spin on a not-so-human medium such as the internet. We are quick to take for granted all of your efforts and hard work, and hopefully through this outpouring of support, you will see just how many of us genuinely appreciate what you do and we care for your health! Cancer is a real bitch, and please take care of yourself and know that we are all praying for you!

  168. Hang tough, Goob! Your good health is much more important they us getting a few freebies. You’re a great guy with a wicked sense of humor and a great web site. You’re in my thoughts and prayers.

  169. I will be praying for you and the doctors and nurses who provide care for you. May God hold you up until you are strong enough to stand on your own

  170. I am so sorry you are going through this. I have known and still do know so many who have to go through the same. TAKE CARE OF YOU! I adore your site and love playn around on it, and share as well! With out you we dont have HIF, so take care of you!!!! Your humor is what brings me here.

  171. Goob,

    Lots of us also clicked on the blog you wrote (in blue above) where you said you had cancer. It took us to a blog you wrote, and we left comments there.We’re all pulling for you

  172. Thoughts and prayers go out to you! I found this web site when my husband was diagnosed with Leukemia and we had no income coming in, so I looked for savings everwhere I could. The humor got me thru a lot of bad days so I say thank you for that. Good luck and keep your humor, it will help you in so many ways, I know it did my husband and me!

  173. hang in there. hope your search for the ultimate freebies are therapeutic for you in some way. we are praying for your quick and full recovery. no apologies from you. just get better. go UCF

  174. Get well soon!! My mom and I have loved all of the free products we’ve gotten from your page. It’s one of our favorites. You’re in our prayers.

  175. Goob, sorry to hear about your health. Please take good care of yourself and know you are very appreciated. Thanks for all the freebie posts and know that we can wait while you get better. God bless you, your in our prayers!

  176. Goob,
    Keep busy and keep focused on a positive outcome. Any Chemo to have to go through is always quite draining. Thanks for all you do for all of us. I’ll send out all kinds of good thoughts your way.

  177. Wow…your story is so inspiring..I hate cancer and what it does to a body..I think your wonderful, positive attitude with get you through this battle and I thank you for sharing and God Bless and keep you strong

  178. God bless you Goob! Leave it to you to tell even this story in a humorous way. I wish you all the best with your recovery!

    Knowing that every pageview is helping you, I will be sure to visit your site at least 100 times a day and will tell others as well!

  179. May the Lord bless and heal your body! Thank you for your devotion of bringing awesome freebies to the world =) Your jokes/puns are the best also!

  180. First off thank you for what you do, I have received shampoo which helps when you are a poor college student. When there were not as many posts from you I just figured, well life gets crazy and this is the time of year for vacations. I will be keeping you in my thoughts and prayers. Please keep us updated here, I’d like to know if things improve or not. As I can see from these comments, you have people from many places praying. Stay strong, you can get through this.

  181. Goob,
    You brighten my otherwise miserable life and make me laugh. If there is anything I can do to help, please feel free to ask. I will be thinking of you.

  182. I noticed you were not your usual “posting” self over the past few weeks… and when you said you went in for a CT Scan I was thinking this might be the reason. I am really sorry to hear that this has hit you. Stay positive and optimistic – and hang in there with the chemo. I will keep you in my prayers for a quick recovery. Thank you for all you do for us Goob!!!!

  183. I LOVE your site and love how you can still be humorous… I’m rooting for you, hope you’ll get better! Full support.. :/ don’t worry about this site, just get betterr!!!

  184. I’m support the site everyday. I’m sorry to hear — I pray you’ll get through this. Your health is way more important than any freebie so make use of that health insurance and get better!

  185. YOU ROCK GOOB!!! Your site is and has been my number 1 choice to browse on the daily. Gods speed for a quick recovery…and as we say on the island of Guam: “Si Yu’us Ma’asi”!!!

  186. wishing you all the best Goob. Though I’ve never been through chemo myself and I’m really hoping I don’t have to… I’ve seen what it can do to a person. I wish for you strength and light in your darker hours.
    Made HIF my homepage so now you’ll get views from me all the time. I’m so glad you have health insurance.

  187. Obviously I’m only the 712th person to say this, but we’re all keeping you in our thoughts and prayers. We hope you pull through and kick cancer’s butt.

  188. I’m sorry to hear of your illness. I will pray for healing and strength. I enjoy this site and the little freebies I get in the mail. It’s always a nice surprise. I have spread the word about your site and I get a little pleasure from knowing it’s helped you. I am a big fan of working from home and I hope this lasts forever for you.

  189. Goob,
    You’re in my prayers. I just figured freebies were few & far between lately (as they have actually been). Take care of yourself and get stronger for us, your HIFFERS! We’ll be here praying for you and waiting for any news. Please keep us updated. 🙂
    Sincerely from an SC mom to an AWESOME SC Dude!!

  190. Thanks for being upfront about your health concern. Praying for you. Do you have a faith belief, Goob?
    Any special prayer concerns? Love your website, I’ve been a faithful reader for over a year now and wondered why you weren’t updating your site!

    Thanks again, and know you have freinds who are praying for you.

  191. I truly hope everything goes good with you. Today’s medical knowledge has helped 3 of my friends be cancer survivors. I know you’ll be one also. You’ve got a great attitude. Besides it’s me who should be thanking you for all the freebies you told me about. Hang in there!!

  192. You have so many comments, I don’t know if you’ll get to read this- but as a fellow blogger, I found your message to be one of the best summations of what an innovative, determined, and creative person can accomplish. When I started my blog 8 months ago, I knew that it would be an uphill battle to earn even pocket change, but I was up for the challenge. I can relate to how rewarding it is to call your own shots and be responsible for your own successes and/or failures. Either way, it’s less stressful than working for “the man” Even though I’m just starting out and haven’t made much, I’m so much happier running my little blog. I do what I want, when I want, and I’m learning about things I wouldn’t have otherwise known. Not only that, I am doing what I truly love- hunting down great deals. It’s what I’ve always done, but now I get to share it with others. I will always be grateful for my visitors, because they are my livelihood. Your open letter should serve as an example to other bloggers to remain grateful too and continue posting quality content (even if they do come with silly jokes). 🙂 I know you’re going to be fine because they say laughter is the best medicine, and you seem like someone who can laugh in the face of anything!

  193. You know the greatest free gift was when God gave His son to die for us. The Bible says “…by His stripes we are healed” – Isaiah 53:5. Will be praying for you

  194. So very sorry to hear of your health issues. You are in my prayers. I enjoy your HIF site and try to get on almost every day. We like all those free samples coming in the mail too – better than those darn bills…

  195. I just have to make a second comment to note how your post Goob and the subsequent comments have renewed my faith in people again. I must admit that lately I had lost so much confidence in people. It just seems like things are more hateful and ugly than ever. However, after reading all the comments to you, my faith is boosted a bit. We might yell at one another over parking spaces, cut each other off while driving, maybe not treat each other as nicely as we should on a daily basis, but when push comes to shove, we do support each other and will try and pick each other up when we are down. So, besides the other positive things that you have accomplished with this site, showing the better side of human nature is another you can add to the list.


  197. Your sense of humor is one of the bright spots of my morning! You can count on me clicking on your page at least once a day! Wishing you the very best!!!

  198. God bless you and I will be praying for you for full recovery and to be cancer free please stay strong and know God will take care of you and heal you from this awful cancer thank you for all the great things you’ve given us and we love you for it keep us updated please God will heal you !

  199. It should be us thanking you. Im so sorry and stay strong. You made the right choice by telling us becuase i was getting a little angry at the lack of freebies recently and now i feel horrible for thinking that

  200. Hello, I have never made a comment even if im a frequent user of your site. I want to thank you for all the posts over the last two years. Your help has crossed international boundries, I have been able to help people in need in Mexico with the freebies (i happen to live in a border town). Wishing you the best in your treatment and we will be waiting for you.

  201. You’re in my prayers! Both my dads battled cancer. I know what the chemo can do! Keep your spirits up and stay strong. Win this battle. I came across your site one day and I was, also, a bit hesitant of “free”. Now, I make sure to visit it everyday. Thanks!!

  202. Thanks for letting us know so we can be praying. We appreciate you and are thankful for any communication you’re able to muster. Take care of yourself and get well. God bless!!

  203. The way I first found HIF is because about two years ago my boyfriend and I were having a huge struggle with money (as have many other people)…and I was getting overwhelmed with bills, rent, paying for gas and groceries, etc. So I started searching online, mainly for coupons for the grocery store, but I ended up coming across your site. I was a bit skeptical that I would actually receive any of the freebies, since I had tried requesting some on other sites and was disappointed when I never got any of those, but I could I could tell right away there was something different about your site.

    The fact that you make a new post just about every day let me know the website was still actively being worked on, which meant someone was actively looking for free stuff that would actually be sent to us. Plus, the fact that people could comment and say which freebies were still available and which ones had technical difficulties, etc, made it easier to know if it was just my luck or if other people were having the same problem. I started requesting coupons and samples like a mad woman…until suddenly I had this stock pile going of travel size bath and beauty products, single serving boxes of cereal, and coupons for things like a free box of instant mashed potatoes, pasta and free cans of vegetables. When you add it all up, I was actually saving a lot of money of those everyday essentials, and it really helped my boyfriend and I get back on our feet instead of always feeling behind.

    So thank you, Goob. I wish you the best and I hope you realize how much you’ve helped so many of us. Take care.

  204. Wow! So sorry to hear that. I’ve enjoy your site so much and visit everyday. You are so funny. My thoughts and prayers are with you for a speedy recdovery. (((Hugs)))

  205. I’m praying for you Goob! Kick cancer’s ass!! and stay strong & take care of yourself. Chemo sucks, make sure you’re doing everything to feel a little better. You got this!!! And thanks so much, I honestly love your site & I totally commend you for doing all this!

  206. Will pary for you if you like. Sorry to hear about the cancer. I look at your website every day because it is great!

  207. You are in my prayers…know that everyone who sees your site
    cares about you!

    Now…go out and rent all the FUNNY, HILARIOUS movies you can find and laugh your socks off. Really! Humor, faith, family and friends will get through this. You WILL kick cancer’s sorry butt. Peace!

  208. I so did not expect to hear that! I know you’ll get better though. Too many people care for you not to!! Your site is not just freebies, it’s humor too. Hands down THE BEST freebie site I’ve seen. Prayers for you!!!

  209. Take care of yourself. Of course we miss all the freebies, but we miss you more. Prayers and good thoughts to you and your family!

  210. Goob just wanted you to know that my prayers will be with you. And your posts do always make me smile. Take care of yourself though and we all do understand! Stay strong, we all are thinking of you!!

  211. wishes for a full recovery posting – love the site for the info & the humor – keep up the good attitude & appreciation for all you have/are.

  212. Hang in there Goob!! Know we all do care! I’ve always looked forward to see what would make me giggle on this page. Prayers and good thoughts to you and yours!

  213. God bless you. I also will be praying for you. I too am a regular follower of your website and it and you are wonderful. You’re a strong person, you can beat this!

  214. Keep up the positive outlook and you will beat the beast! Thanks for all of your posts Goob. Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.

  215. I am definatly praying for you! I am so happy for this site and the work you do to keep it maintained! Thank You! I love your sense of humor it makes me laugh everyday! 🙂 Be Strong!

  216. Prayers are being said and thank you for all your work in helping us save money and try new samples of things we may not purchases otherwise. I love your site.

  217. I’m wishing you a speedy and comfortable recovery. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. You will get through this because of your great disposition. You are blessed to have found your niche in life and I know you will be back at it for many years to come. Thank you for all that you do and your great sense of humor. Please know that you have thousands of people thinking of and praying for you. God bless.

  218. Been there.
    Done that.
    Understand COMPLETELY. 1.5 years in remission.
    Sleeping is the order of the day. Need any chemo advice etc. let me know. Ex: I used to take acidopholis tablets to help with the stomach “issues” that come with chemo. Helped quite a bit.
    Will continue to visit your page as I have done – maybe one or two extra times to help out.

    Hang in there – it’s beatable!

  219. My thoughts are with you, Goob! My dad has been going through the same thing for about a year, now. He just officially tested cancer-free this month! Never lose hope, & keep up the fight! It is beatable!

    Also, just wanted to say that I love your site, & I recommend it to everyone! Seriously, I just recommended it to a co-worker earlier this morning! 🙂

    Take Care!! Lots of Love!! 🙂

  220. I will be praying for you! Hang in there and I am going to post your website on my FB page so hopefully you get even more page views. 🙂

  221. Do’t worry about us missng a few freebie. Your health is more important. Get well soon and keep on fighting. Read all these messages of hope and love on those bad days.

  222. Thank you! Thank you for continuing to fight! I am here, we are all here to help, we will continue to help as long as you want us too. And if ever you decide to change the format, we will continue to be here, i will continue to be here to support you. What you shared is not ever the easiest thing to do, and now you have me not only as a subscriber, but as a Friend! 🙂 My prayers are with you and please make sure you rest after each chemo set, it will help 🙂

  223. My Thoughts and Prayers are with you Goob!! Thank you for all you do, I myself am an avid couponer and your site is a breath of fresh air! If you ever need help, let us know……..God Bless You!

  224. God Speed Brother! As a Colorectal Cancer survivor I can attest to the chemo & radiation being no walk in the park. I’ve been free since 2008 and hope to stay that way. God Bless!

  225. WOW Goob. Thank you for sharing you life with us. All of the freebies and of your personal struggle. I am so happy to hear you have health insurance and I will also pray that you go into remission soon.

    I talk about your website all the time to my friends and have ever since I first found it (two years ago??). I too would like to send you a card as you have helped make my mailbox something I look forward to going to every day. I actually feel a wee bit bummed when I don’t have a sample waiting for me. Please do give us an address where we can return the favor. With my best regards and positive thoughts, Samantha in Oregon.

  226. Goob, You’re the best!! Thank you for you for always sharing with us especially this news. You’re a friend to many and I hope you know it. I appreciate you and your work and it gives me something to look forward to each and everyday as I am facing multiple medical issues too. Stay strong and positive!

  227. On behalf of all the good folks who get happy surprises in our mailboxes because of your gift of time and dedication, I would love to know if there is an address we could all send care packages or cards of support to help you stay strong as you face this challenge. As a 2 time survivor of cancer myself, I have always loved the idea of “Card Parties” because everyone WANTS to help and be supportive- but the patient is pretty busy just getting thru each day. SO when a rough day does get you down, the bag of mail is still sitting there just waiting to bring you surprises and smiles. We KNOW you like to get cool mail. Can we be part of your recovery by sending our support and gratitude to help make any harder days a little brighter?

  228. No, friend. Thank you! Your devotion to your fans means even more now than before. You are appreciated! I pray things work out for you and that this cancer business is a distant memory for you soon!

  229. Thank you for your efforts! The growth of this site is a great inspiration, let alone your current battle. I’m sending you uber healthy vibes! I love the site, and I need your humor to get me through many days. Stay strong!

  230. I just found you a few weeks ago…I enjoy your sense of humor and laughs…who cares about the samples – did I just say that? Anyway what I want to say is — STICK AROUND FOR MANY MANY YEARS TO COME!!! OKAY??? We ALL need YOU!

  231. Prayers from Bellevue, if you need ANYTHING!! Let me know. Your site is AWESOME and so what if we don’t have a few freebies, I am sure we will understand, Thank you for sharing, I know it must have been hard to let us all know what you are going through. Take care of yourself first that is the most important thing of all!!!

  232. just wanted to wish u the best of luck goob. I am soo sorry to hear this. I recently lost my cousin 39 to esophagus cancer. died within 8 days of finding out. he left a 6 month pregnant wife. my heart pours out to u. I wish u the best. and have spread your site to many. I have enjoyed getting a little Pkg almost everyday because of u. thank you goob. we love you 🙂

  233. Thank you for sharing a bit of your personal life with us! It’s a good thing when the world becomes a little more intimate with one another. Every name and screen name has a face and most are dealing with painful things on a daily basis. You are great example to all of us that we need to share each other’s burdens! Therefore I along with these last 630 well-wishers offer up a prayer of healing on your behalf! God is good all the time!

  234. Take care of yourself first. Best wishes to you & hope you are on your way back to good health. It is a tough road, I know. Thanks for sharing this private side & I am sure you see now all the people that support you even though they only know a little bit about you. Thanks for doing a good job every day. I visit your site regularly (sometimes more, but I still miss stuff-haha) & will continue to still check. Take care.

  235. It’s hard to believe you can still make all your goofy, funny comments while you are going thru a hard time. I will pray for you, and a healthy recovery from this. A close friend just finished chemo recently and is doing great now. I have enjoyed this site for a little over a year now, and will continue to visit. I look forward to reading it daily.

  236. I appreciate you sharing your personal and unfortunate situation with us. Your site was the first site I ever commited to visiting almost everyday. I think it’s great that your site helps so many (consumers and retailers). Take really good care of yourself and continue your fabulous, positive outlook. Don’t worry about the site, your health is what really matters. Sending you the best!

  237. Wishing you a speedy recovery. Thoughts & prayers will be with you. Keep up the good work on your good days but make sure to get enough rest.

  238. My thoughts and prayers are with you. I had cancer in 2006 and chemo sucks. Been there done that. I never had been so tired in my entire life and I have 2children (grown now). It just drains you worse than any flu I’ve ever had. On top of my treatments, they also gave me sterroids to help with the treatment and I gained at least 8 pounds a week and my treatments went on for 16 weeks. Rest when you can and when you want. Take care.

  239. Thoughts and prayers are with you. I’ll know you’ll beat this as you have thousands and thousands of people praying for you.

  240. I lost my Grandmother to cancer when I was in high school about seven years ago, and I still think about her all the time. I know you are much cared for, and I pray that you will make it through. Your website is not only great for the freebies, but your commentary also brings some humor each day. You’ll be in my thoughts.

  241. No apologies needed, your health is what is most important. I’m so sorry your on that scary road. Just take it easy and know that you have thousands of strangers thinking of you and please just take care of #1 right now.

  242. Sending prayers and hugs your way! I always love entrepreneur stories, and it sounds like yours plus your health insurance purchase was good timing. You’ve brought many smiles on many a day to me with your witty descriptions, aside from the freebies.

  243. Goob, fight the fine fight and keep up your wonderful sense of humor. I pray that God’s Kingdom will soon rid this earth of all it’s woes.

    Isaiah 33:24 “And no resident will say: “I am sick.”. . .”

    Revelation 21:4  “And he will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. The former things have passed away.”

  244. Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers as you go through this tough time. May you come out of this stronger and with the knowledge that you have touched so many of our lives.

  245. Cancer is an incredibly tough battle, but your optimism and positive attitude will help for sure. I am over three years cancer free, with lots of bumps in the road along the way, but grateful for each and every day! Stay strong, Goob.

  246. This was unexpected news to hear when I checked out HIF this morning. Hang in there. You’ve made a wonderful and entertaining website that I look forward to checking each morning. I am so glad to hear that you were able to get income and health insurance from something you love.

  247. Goob, you are brave to share that with us all. I have no idea what you’re going through, but my thoughts & prayers are with you and your loved ones.

  248. Just wanted to send you my best wishes and wishing you a complete and speedy recovery.
    Thank you for all of your hard work, your personality shines through and has put a smile on my face on numerous occasions.
    Hope all of the positive thoughts being sent your way may be a beacon of light on the rough days you may encounter.
    Stay strong Goob!

  249. Noticed that you weren’t around. But hope you do recover fully. Your personality is infectious and puts a smile on everyone’s face.

  250. I just read your post. It took alot of courage to write about such a private matter. May God be with you during this time. I will be praying for you. Thank you for such a great website.

  251. Hey Goob,
    I was so humbled to read your message. I thank you for the laughs and all the things that you do for us readers. I’m praying for you and that you get peace of mind. I can’t even imagine what this is like for you, Just trust in the Lord and he will see you through this.
    Much love and prayers, Michele

  252. Thanks for all you do! Forget about the freebies, I’ll keep viewing this page at least twice a day every day.
    Hope you get better soon.
    Have you tried those 5 hour energy drinks? j/k! I’m so funny.

  253. Prayers be with you, my friend. I do hope you can give us all a positive update soon.

    I’m a bit odd myself, and getting the mail each day is like a mystery box, I just can’t wait to see what I might have today! Your site has sure added some fun to my life…. even more great, fun mail showing up daily. It may be silly for a thirty-something to be so excited over the mail, but I am, and your efforts has made my daily delivery even better. Thank you much. Kick that cancers proverbial butt.

  254. By now you have stopped reading these…but I wanted to ad you are in my thoughts, prayers and energy. I UNDERSTAND…and bless you but it does get better.

  255. You will be healed of cancer very soon. The Law of Attraction states Like attracts Like, so think only positive healthy thoughts and you will have nothing but positivity and good health in your life, Gd bless u!

  256. I love your website! It is my favorite internet site. The only site I check every day. You do an awesome job. Good luck to you. Humor is the best medicine and you have that in your back pocket. You will beat this!

  257. So sorry to hear this news and hope you’re able to offload work when needed so you can focus on taking care of yourself. I recently attended a free cooking class that is being done nationwide this summer by The Cancer Project organization. You might to check the schedule to see if a class will be in your area:

    They also have a free download of the book here which I highly recommend getting:

    Hope you recover soon 🙂

  258. I love your Hey it’s Free!!! I have gotten many Freebies….Thanks!!! I have had 3 heart attacks, 5X Open Heart Surgery, Diabetes, Severe Sleep Apnea, Diabetes and Skin Cancer!!! The list goes on, I just wanted to let you know I love your positive attitude. I died in the ER waiting room on August 19th, 2007! I am here and still kicking and LOVE LIFE like you do!!!! Thanks for your uplifting story and that you are living and fighting!! Keep up the fight!!! You are in my prayers everyday!!!!
    Love, Mitch

  259. It broke my heart to read what you going through, but I know half the battle is remaining positive. Your such a funny and life loving guy, we all love you! Im a college student who just found your site six months Ago and i love it!!! Your in my prayers every day, you can do this!!!

  260. You may already know this, but you should visit It’s the American Cancer Society website and they offer a vast array of services and support-from assistance with medical bills and prescriptions, to transportation to treatment centers, and everything in between. I am including you in my prayers and encourage you to keep that great sense of humor going! Positive outlook plays a great role in healing, and you just may make someone else’s day by making them smile. God bless!

  261. I will pray for your strength and hope that your condition improves. You still have this fan by your side rooting for you!!!

  262. That took a lot of guts to post; of course, so do some of your jokes …JK haha

    Best wishes for a complete recovery, there are so many pulling and praying for you, that there is no doubt that you will pull through and look back on this many, many years from now as a ‘blip’ in the road (ok, a big blip).

    I wish you God’s blessing, good Scotch, good drugs, and hope you are back soon on full wattage keeping us entertained and well supplied w/ fun and bizarre freebies!

    Keep us posted!

  263. We’re all thinking of you! All my best for a full and quick recovery. (Just an FYI, I went to Target to get some free peanut butter a couple of days ago and they were ALL OUT. The sales guy told me he had just restocked the shelves a few days before. I like to think they ran out so quickly because everyone saw your post and ran out to grab some free Jif To-go! 😉 Best wishes!

  264. Thx for deciding to share this with us. I will remember you and your family in my prayers. Best wishes for a very speedy recovery.

  265. Best Wishes to a speedy recovery. I visit this site daily and there’s always something interesting, whether a freebie or a joke! Go kick some cancer azz!!

  266. Checking your site has been such a pick-me-up for me on rough days because if nothing, you’re good for a laugh. I pray for you to return speedily to good health, and that you remain in good spirits.

  267. You’ve always posted such humorous notes with freebies. I’ve been a loyal visitor to your site for over a year now. I really hope you get better soon and that you can rock this site once more like you used to.

    Good luck & best wishes.

  268. Goob, prayers and blessing to you! You have helped so many people…I hope this virtual hug helps you too (>^_^)> <(^_^<)

  269. Goob, it’s US who should be thanking YOU! YOU have brought so much joy to so many. You are amazing. Do you live in NYC? If so, I will come over and take care of you and bring you vegan pea soup.
    God Bless xo

  270. First off thanks for sharing something so personal with us. I am a five year survivor and I can tell you having a positive attitude and your good sense of humor that will help you through this tough time in your life. I will be praying for you. Also, thank you for this site as it is the little things in life (like freebies and your humor) that are the best things. Take care of you!!!

  271. Goob, I couldnt believe it when I read this! Cancer really sucks- It has hit quite a few people in my family and my husband’s, so I know the terrible reality of it! Hang in there and be strong and positive! Oh, and just an “fyi”: I have turned so many people on to HIF (like all the employees at my local Rite Aid) that my daughter said I shld make a percentage, lol! 😀 Anyway, keep your chin up, and thanks a ton!!

  272. Dear Goob, I love your site and visit at least once a day. Bless your heart, I will pray for you as well. I appreciate you and the time you take to post funny comments and freebies.

    Much love <333

  273. Goob! Thank you for sharing all these awesome freebies!!! The first thing I check when I wake up in the morning is your website! NO JOKE! I have you on my tool bar for fast access!! I will be praying for you!!!! We love you!!!!!

  274. The freebie calls are great, but it is your humorous asides that make me a regular reader and my husband an active listener. . . really eyes open and everything. Thank you, and I’ll take what I can get as long as you get well and remember yourself first!

  275. Goob, I come to your website everyday and it’s one of the best parts of my day. Without you I would not have had free Cheerios for breakfast, wouldn’t have a drawer full of free shampoo samples, I would not be going to Target tomorrow to get free peanut butter, and I wouldn’t have gotten a free t-shirt in the mail today. The best part about your website though isn’t your freebies (don’t get me wrong I love them) it’s your humor and wit I love reading all of your posts and I’d read them even if there weren’t freebies attached. Thank you for everything you do! I will be praying for you.

  276. Hey Goob..Thanks for sharing, & may you know that your in my Prayers,..Your website totally Rocks!!! I’ve always enjoyed your humor & will continue to visit your website..Thanks Goob

  277. Saying a prayer for you! I love your site and enjoy your comments sometimes more than the freebie offered. You have such a great funny and positive attitude, don’t let anything change that. I wish nothing but the best for you.

  278. Hope you have a speedy recovery!!! I love this site and I usually won’t write in a blog setting but I wanted you to know that you rock!!! Thanks for your site and your inspiring post!!! much love and good wishes!

  279. Goob, by now you should know that you are loved in our little comunity of hiffers, my family and i wish you a quick recovery and will be waiting for the “i kicked cancer’s a$$” notice.
    fight it with all your heart, and you will win.
    ps. i got my cheerios freebie yesterday, when my 2 year old daughter said “book momy, goob shent me a shedal” wich means look momy goob sent me a cereal, lol, she knows who you are, well, my entire family visits your site 🙂

  280. God bless you. I have you in my prayers. Get better and worry about you! Us fans will be here watching and waiting whenever you feel like working more. We here to support you! It took a lot of courage to post this.

  281. Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers. Your sense of humor will hopefully help! I love your site and visit every day, usually more than 5 or 6 times.

  282. Hey, thank you for all that you do and posting as much as you can it is appreciated. Keep your head up keep going, I will send your name for prayer at my church.

  283. Rob,

    I hate to hear that YOU HAVE CANCER, cancer doesn’t have you. I’m really glad that you had health insurance to provide for yourself. You have a lot of great karma build-up from this site and your great personality, you’ve already won!!!

    Keep you head up. I know you’re in good spirits because you make me laugh when I read some of your comments on the site. I look forward to reading the site more for your humor then the coupons. I will put you in my prays.


  284. Thinking of you and hope there is success in your chemo. Thanks for posting and know that friends and family are the best thing you can have around you for support!! We are all here for you.

  285. Hang in there Goob! we are thinking of you and hope you get better really soon. Your site is amazing! And thanks, for being part of our debt-busting, money-saving plan…i haven’t paid for shampoo in ages 😉

  286. I love your site!! Look forward to it everyday. So sorry to hear about this terrible health news!! I will be praying for you and strength that you will get through this horrible disease and will be cured!!

  287. My prayers are with you. Thank you for your great website. Every morning i make my daughter breakfast and get a my coffee and check for freebies and again when i put her to bed at night.

  288. I love your site and I appreciate you updating as much as you can even under this condition. I look up to you for your ability to keep yourself light-hearted and still be able to joke about things when you know you have cancer. I pray that it is cured or at least gets better. Thanks and God bless!

  289. My best to you…keep the faith. My mother is battling breast cancer and has endured chemo and radiation. I wish there was no such thing as cancer (:
    Stay strong!

  290. Goob! sending you loads of positive energy and praying for you!! You make me laugh daily with your humor, do not change…you are the best!!! Sending healing blessings your way!!! take care!! {HUG}

  291. Big love, big prayers from the Money Saving Lords and Ladies in the Court of the Queen of Free. Cancer sucks but your attitude rocks. I have long been thankful for your site not just because I <3 free stuff but because of your voice. Rest up and bring back the sarcasm strong when you can.

  292. goob!! bless your heart.. am gonna pray for you my friend to be completly free of cancer when you are done, k? u hang in there.. much love to you..

  293. I know you don’t know me, and I don’t know you and so forth, but your message really touched my heart and I send you the best prayers and positive thoughts! Keep us posted, and stay strong! Many of us are wishing the best!! :]

  294. Many good thoughts and prayers are sent your way as you do battle with cancer and the side effects of chemo. Thank You, Goob, for sharing.

  295. Goob, I can’t begin to tell you how much moolah you’ve saved my family just over the past year on our tight, part-time & unemployed budget. Not to mention the daily chuckle at your dry warped humor! Sending healing thoughts and prayers your way for a speedy recovery.

  296. …and to imagine that all this time you were making our days better with your humor…humor and a positive outlook is more healing than anything…all good thoughts coming your way daily…and a huge THANK YOU!

  297. Thanks for sharing this now we can pray for you!!! As Chris said God can move mountains and also heals his children…Keep the faith!

  298. i come by every day just to get a smile from your comments. well – maybe to check on freebies also but you make freebies even more fun. best of luck and bright healing energy headed your way!

  299. My thoughts and prayers are with you. Thank you for the smiles you bring me everyday. Not just the freebies but your humor always makes me smiles even more than the free stuff. God bless you and help you fight through this.

  300. Your site makes me smile at least once a day. YOU do that. Thank YOU from the bottom of my heart for all that you have done to bring more fun to my life! (cause, let’s face it…it’s F U N to get things for free!)
    May God Bless You and take care of you…so you can get back to finding the freebies for us! ;o)
    THANK YOU!!!!

  301. Please take care of yourself and know that many prayers are coming your way. As far as the freebies go, I’ve gotten so much fun “stuff” thanks to you that even if you never posted again I’d still count myself fortunate. You don’t owe us anything, and any post is a gift. Do please continue as you feel able – your sense of humor is every bit as much of a gift as the freebies!

  302. Thank you for all you do, try not to overdue it…and take plenty of naps along the way. Please remember that God is able to do all things…and I will keep you in my prayers. =)

  303. Many prayers for you and your family! So much courage it took for you to make this announcement! Do what you can when you can, but most of all take care of yourself!

  304. Aww Goob… All the karma you’re getting for helping people through this website will make up for what you’re going through right now!

  305. You gotta think about you…Im still gonna be here nomatter what.For me, the way you describe what was bein offered gave me such a chuckle..You have such a sense of humor and its priceless. Prayers are bein said and sent for you..Be BLESSED!!! :):)

  306. We say in Hebrew, Refuah Shelaimah. It means a complete recovery. That is what I wish you, and thank you for an entertaining and money saving site!

  307. First thing i was gonna say was i hope you get better but then i realized i dont have to hope because i know you’re gonna get better.You are a great,hilarious person and i know you’re strong enough to beat this.I may not know you but i know that.I come on your site(and twitter)not only for the deals but for all your little jokes and tips that come along.Stay strong because us HIFers need you!

  308. Love your site! Thanks for all you do!! This is a tough time now but you will get through it. Good luck for a speedy recovery.

  309. Surely you must feel all the love for you from all these wonderful people! Now bask in it, and get better! I love your funny and clever comments, and I really appreciate your efforts to get out all the freebies. You do a great service! Everyone’s on your side. Keep up the good work.

  310. I to have cancer…stage 4 (incurable) but chemo was able to return me to “normal” health and I am doing great on just an oral medication. It has been 2 years and so far the medication is keeping it under control. I live life to the fullest every day and consider my new outlook on life a blessing. Hang in there. There are so many wonderful treatments available. I will be praying for you as I consider that the strongest medicine of all. Thanks for a wonderful website.

  311. I was taken aback when I read your post! You have such a great attitude and we all appreciate what you do for us. First and foremost, just take care of yourself! Many healthy and happy thoughts are coming your way! Here is a site with lots of helpful information on living healthfully which might help with your healing. I visit it everyday and have learned a lot:
    Specific article about winning the war against cancer:

  312. Goob,

    Please take care and know that lots of folks from all over are rooting for you. Your site is a bright spot in so many people’s lives. I know that my son who is disabled loves to go to the mail box and get a package. He may not always like what is in it–but it brightens his day to see something in the mail box (I agree with Joni) other than bills and more bills. Stay strong and know that your wit and creativeness are appreciated. Good vibes to you!

  313. Thank you for all the freebies…Thanks to you I’m never short of reading material or toothpaste! I’ll be praying for a speedy recovery. Keep up your good attitude and wonderful sense of humor.

  314. You’ve got a great attitute going for yourself. Keep it up! My prayers are also with you & I’ll “keep on clickin” to help keep your insurance.
    God bless you & you always make me smile.

  315. It’s not an excuse; thanks for sharing with us. And thanks for making me laugh on a regular basis. Sending good thoughts your way!

  316. You make us laugh and now you made us cry your site brightens up our day and your freebies add something to ;ook foward to in times when other than bills there would have beeen nothing else in my mailbox! God bless you! 🙂

  317. Let us, your fans, know what we can do to lighten your load. Use us!!!!
    Thanks for everything and go kick cancer’s ass.

  318. Goob, my prayers and thoughts are with you! Your site brings me a lot of joy. I love visiting it and reading your descriptions. Stay strong!

  319. Sending prayers and love and healing light to you. You are awesome and will get through this. Looking at all the comments, you have lots of support.
    Rest, heal, and be well.

  320. we will keep you in our prayers. I’ve never shown my appreciation for all your hard work on this site, but thank you for everything you’ve done. I know you’ll pull through this, so just a matter of time before everything is normal again.

  321. Now I feel better that I’m addicted to checking the site :]
    Thanks for everything you do Goob and I hope that everything works out for the best!

  322. Wishing you only the best of well wishes! Ive been coming to this site for sooo long, sometimes just to read your posts! Hope you have bright days coming your way!

  323. Thank you for the well written heartfelt health announcement. I have your site bookmarked and visit every day to see what clever ditty you have for us. Your witty words of wisdom brighten my day and bring a smile to my face. Here’s back atcha and then some. You got your peeps pullin’ for you!

  324. So sorry to hear THAT news. My thoughts and prayers go out to you. Stay positive. Didn’t know you got paid for us checking your site. So I guess I’ll have to keep checking your site a few more times a day. Keep us posted , as you can see there are lot of people out here pulling for you.

  325. Sending positive thoughts your way! I’ll be sending many positive thoughts your way. You WILL beat this! Your positive attitude will make all the difference in the world!

    Good luck! 🙂

  326. Wow – Dude – you’ve got people all over the country (world?) thinking their best thoughts for you and hoping that your nightmare is over soon. You really do mean a lot to us. Take all the time you need to get and keep yourself well. We’ll be here with open arms and open hearts when you need us. ALL MY BEST TO YOU! Shelli

  327. Thought I’d give you some inspiration: In the mid-80s, my mom was diagnosed with bladder cancer. She got through that, and was diagnosed a few years later with breast cancer. No problem…radiation, chemo, didn’t even lose her hair. A few years later it was thyroid cancer (all of these are unrelated–they didn’t just spread from one area to another–totally different cancers). The bladder cancer came back, the bladder came out, no problem! Then the OTHER side of her thyroid came back as cancerous–another totally different type of cancer cells!! What are the odds? Then some funky type of lymphoma, mycosis fungoidis, which is usually only diagnosed after the subject has died from it…and they said she had only six months. That was 6 1/2 years ago. Mom will be 70 years old in September, and is STILL GOING STRONG!! Five different cancers, six go-arounds with it, and we just laugh at the word “cancer.”

    Laugh, my friend…laugh at the cancer, keep on keeping on, and you’re going to be thinking about this in the future as a tiny speed bump in the road of life. God bless you!!

  328. Unfortunately Goob- I have been there and done that. Something one of my surgeons said to me stuck with me thru all of my treatments…this may sound corny but the sun will shine again for you. I didn’t believe her at the time, but now know it to be so very true. I started my treatment 7 years ago, am still here and I am one big wuss to be sure. If I can do it, you can do it and rock it. My thoughts and prayers are with you and for goodness sake people, PLEASE don’t assure him you know how he feels, nobody does but him. And you don’t even want to know- please trust me on that. May all the good forces be with you, my friend.

  329. Goob~ You have to get better..who will I take when I win one of the trips you offer from time to time? Along with everyone else Thanks for sharing and my prayers are with you. Just keep thinking about that trip when I win!!!

  330. Thoughts are with you, I hope your positive attitude will take you far in your recovery. There are lots of us out there sending you healthy vibes and positive energy.

  331. Goob I look forward to your wit and wish and pray for your speedy recovery……..take care and keep a positive attitude….it will go a long way in your treatment!!!!!

  332. Goob – I can’t tell you how much I enjoy visiting this website every day to see what freebies are available! And it is so fun getting the mail and wondering what I might have received each day! Best of luck with the fight – think positive thoughts and get better soon!!

  333. GEEZ, Goob! We had no idea! Our thoughts and best wishes are with you. Don’t even THINK about work right now — just get well! Your efforts make all your visitors’ days brighter — especially your sharp and witty comments — so we feel like we know you in some way and that makes us all care a great deal about you. So please do keep us posted on your progress. We want to hear what is going on with you, and hope our positive energy can bring you some measure of restoration and healing.

  334. Well, Goob, your attitude about your illness seems great, so I’m sure you will continue to improve and do well. My best wishes are with you. If you need to take some time off, I’m sure all your fans will understand. Be well!

  335. Goob ,thank you for all the work you do to find these awesome freebies and deals for all of us…and if you have some off days …you have earned it …. healing prayers coming your way hun i commend you on doing such a awesome job despite what your going through..

  336. I am sending you lots of positive thoughts on your fight to conquer the beast. I have never posted before, but can’t tell you how many times I have just looked at your site for a laugh. My favorite was the personal lubricant that you thought was glue. It still makes me laugh just to think about it (it was a long time ago). Stay positive Goob, and thanks for being there!

  337. Goob,

    Hang in there. My prayers are with you. We need you to continue this great site, but will wait it out with you. God speed

  338. Thank you for the smiles along with the freebies, you have many people keeping good thoughts in their hearts and more than a prayer or two on their lips whispered for you. Stay strong and get healthier than ever.

  339. Thank YOU, Goob – your site makes all of our lives a little better every time we get a cool freebie in the mail! I’m keeping you in my thoughts and sending get-well wishes your way. I hope things go okay and your chemo is quick and successful. Keep up the great work and please know you’re making the world a better place.

  340. As I write this there are 437 comments and this brings a tear of joy to my eye. The outcry of support is wonderful and that is my point for leaving this comment. I normally never leave comments unless someone is being an asshole and disses this site but I wanted to leave you an encouraging response. I happened to stumble upon this site in the past year looking for freebies to pass the time while I was unemployed (and to ease the stress of having no money). Ask my boyfriend how many times I had him print out coupons from this site before we left the house. He always says “Yeah…I know…”.

    Anyways, I truly hope everything goes well for you and you are in my thoughts. My mother is going through radiation right now and has Stage I uterine cancer. My father passed away from lung cancer found in stage IV in 98′. You are in a blessed situation for having found it so early so stay strong and keep positive. I love your sense of humor and almost every post makes me giggle. Please know that your are inspiring and make at least one persons day brighter.

    Thank you Goob!

  341. Goob, I will pray for you! May the Blessed Lady whisper into Jesus’ ear to cure you, that will be my prayer for you. Take Care my friend & never give up! Keep the faith & Trust in God! His will is what we all follow.

  342. Thanks for sharing something so personal. I hope it helps to know how much you touch all our lives on a daily basis. I hope your sharp wit will help you see the best in everything you are going through. Take care!

  343. Goob, Many prayers going up for strength to get through the treatments & to kick this cancers butt! Thank you for what you do – thoughts & prayers.

  344. I hope all goes well with your chemotherapy and you have a full recovery! Your blog is the frst site I hit every day for great freebies and a few giggles. I thank you. My prayers are with you and we won’t give you a hard time if you miss a few pampers points in the mean time. 🙂

  345. Thank you so much for posting all the freebies all these time…I’m sure many like myself appreciate your effort and your sharing very much. God bless you and hope you get well soon. Your web site and freebie posting is like my bible…I check it at least once a day. BIG THANK YOU!! Feel better and take care yourself well…we will be here 🙂

  346. Goob, thank YOU for giving such a quality and helpful money saving blog. I always love the blurbs you come up with to go with the different freebies. Will be thinking of you and wishing you a successful chemo treatment. Much love! Amy

  347. I’m Praying and commanding all Cancer to leave you NOW IN JESUS NAME,I’m posting on my Prayer site God Bless you,I speak these words over you,You shall live and not die,you will be the HEAD and not the Tail,You will be BLESSED all the days of you life in Jesus name,,:)

  348. Thank you for sharing. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Feel better soon! The freebies can wait! 🙂

  349. Thank you for sharing your news with all of us. Sending you lots of positive energy to heal and be healthy. Cancer sucks! HIF and your sense of humor ROCKS!

  350. Thank you for ur hard work !! Hey its free is my favorite site and i try to visit it everyday !!! I hope everything goes well and that u r feeling better soon !!!!

  351. hi u know what i thought u were just joking about the cancer or something…. but i thought i check as i know u sometimes joke

    but i hope you get through this soon. will pray for you.