Dove used to be king of Freebie Mountain. It's a thankless monarchy, but from 2006-2010, they held the crown by giving away over 50 different freebies! They even gave away a large, fluffy robe once! Sadly, those days have long passed, but I've managed to collect a few free Dove sample offers and coupons below. I also added a few of the classic jokes from over the years 😀
Congratulations! We've graduated from basic to free Advanced Dove hair products. I don't know how we passed with me sleeping through most of the classes, but here we are!
The signup form states “fill out this form to receive a free sample of Dove Hair.” So…we're getting dove hair? Not to sound ungrateful, but what the heck am I going to do with dove hair? Plus, I thought doves had feathers. If you think I'll rub dove feathers in my hair, then you must have been spying on me last Thursday.
For some reason, Dove Cream Oil sounds delicious to me. It sounds like a delicious dessert if you ask me. In fact, knowing my subconscious, I'll somehow order one of these the next time I'm out at dinner with friends or a date. The evening will be going well, I'll be witty and carry on some light banter all throughout the meal. Then the waiter will walk over, ask if we want anything else, and my mouth will somehow utter, “Yeah! We'll have a little dove cream oil and some coffee.”
If you have a bottle of Dove Hair Care shampoo, then take a picture of yourself holding it and get a free Dove luxury bathrobe. You'll also have to write a short review about it, but you can alternately make a 30 second video.
It sounds like a lot of work, but it shouldn't take more than a minute or two. Plus the freebie is a luxury bathrobe! Just think of all the fancy parties you'll be able to wear it to! I'll finally be able to eat at the five star restaurant down the street without being told I'm under dressed. High society, here I come!
Ladies and gentlemen, I come to you as a concerned member of the freebie world. I'm no business executive, but I do know that in order to stay up and running, most companies need to sell various products for profit. With that in mind, I ask how in the world is Dove still operating? Every time I turn around, they're giving away endless amounts of samples, like the free Dove Pro-Age lotion.
But it's not just the fact that Dove is giving away countless freebies. There's the trend in product names. Pro-age? Isn't lotion supposed to be anti-age? Is the name supposed to be ironic? Is this a joke I'm not getting?
Some people might think I run a freebie website and develop relationships with the companies so that I can get even more free samples. Heck no! I just want their e-mail addresses so I can ask them what the heck their product names mean.
There's one thing I've learned about marriage, and that's that you never really have to buy shampoo and conditioner. Nope. Not anymore. The husband never has that responsibility anymore. You sort of just get into the shower, and all of a sudden, there's a huge over-sized bottle of something that smells fruity that promises smoother, silkier hair. And when you're out? You just shout “Honey! We're out of shampoo!” and suck it up with a bar of soap. The next day? A new super-sized bottle of something else.
But I guess with this sample of Dove shampoo and conditioner, I can bypass shouting for a day or so. Just a simple click at the bottom of the page on the “Free Samples” link and that'll be one day that I don't have to shout.
The laundry, however is a different story…