Free Letters From Santa

Even while he's busy making enough toys to give away each year, Santa somehow finds time in his day to write individual letters to every little girl and boy who write him. As a kid, I never knew what his address was, but now that I've come across it, I thought I'd share it with all you kiddos out there! So be sure and write Santa early this year so that he can write you back before Christmas!

A lot of free Santa letter sites, especially those at the top of Google, are trying to sell you something. That goes against our entire ethos, so I've only included sites below that are 100% free with no upsell whatsoever. You might have to spend the cost of a self-addressed stamped envelope for an offer or there, but overall there's no require for payment or use of a credit card!

Santa Letter Postmarked from the North Pole

If you'd rather take care of writing the specific response, the USPS has a neat free program where you can have your letter postmarked from the North Pole. Here's how it works:

  1. Have your child write a letter to Santa and place it in an envelope addressed to: Santa Claus, North Pole.
  2. Write a personalized response to your child's letter and sign it “From Santa.”
  3. Insert both letters into an envelope, and address it to your child.
  4. Add the return address: SANTA, NORTH POLE, to the envelope.
  5. Ensure a First-Class Mail stamp is affixed to the envelope.
  6. Place the complete envelope into a larger envelope, with appropriate postage, and address it to:

    4141 POSTMARK DR
    ANCHORAGE AK 99530-9998

They recommend sending your letters by December 10 this year. Santa's helpers in Anchorage, AK, will take care of the rest!

Free Santa Letter from EIELSON AIR FORCE BASE, Alaska

The 354th Operations Support Squadron's weather flight “elves” receive hundreds of letters each year, and acting on behalf of the “Big Guy,” send letters back to the children who write. They will even send out late post letters to children’s whose lists got delivered after the holidays.”

To get a free free letter from Santa sent to your house, please send a letter to:

Santa's Mailbag
2827 Flightline Ave. Suite 100B
354th OSS/OSW
Eielson AFB AK 99702-1520

I first found this great freebie in 2006, but turns out this Santa's Mailbag was started in 1954! A group of Airmen with the 58th Weather Reconnaissance Squadron wanted to assist the post office by responding to letters they received for Santa; more than 60 years later the program is still going strong.

Free Letter from Santa Claus Museum

Since 1914, children have had the joy of receiving letters from Santa Claus for free, and the tradition continues today. To receive a written letter from Santa Claus, just send a letter with a legible return address, mailed to:

Santa Claus
PO Box 1
Santa Claus, IN 47579

Every letter received by December 18, 2021 will receive a response from Santa and the Elves. Just remember, the earlier, the better!

Donations are always appreciated and may be sent with the letters, or mailed to Santa at the same address.

Free Santa Letter Template & Printables

A lot of sites have custom free Santa printable letter templates. Simply download the letters and fill out the necessary fields, if applicable.

There are two main types of free printables: The first are for writing personalized letters to your child. The second are for your child to fill out as a dear Santa letter template.

Here are some of our favorite free printable “fill in blank” letter from Santa templates:

Hopefully you're able to find a perfect free letter from santa printable for your family on one of those sites!

About the Author: Goob

I'm a nationally renowned freebie finder & sample vetter, which I never imagined I'd be doing while getting my Bachelor's Degree in History almost 20 years ago. In my spare time, I enjoy launching my own space program and disproving the Coriolis effect.