I love getting emails from readers. I might not respond to them in a timely fashion, but I read each and every one that comes across my screen and sometimes they are just too good not to share. Hiffer Carrie sent in this tale that I thought you all would enjoy.
On Tuesday, my 4 kids and I took a ride on the local ferry. We're from New Orleans, and it crosses back and forth on the Mississippi River. It's not something we normally do, but it was a cool adventure – and it's FREE!!! Anyway, just as we were docking, my 6 year old announces, “MY FINGER'S STUCK!!!” The chairs onboard are all those molded fiberglass 60's style, bolted-in-a-row things, with one small hole in the center of each seat. And yes, he really had it good and stuck in one. We tried and tried to wiggle it out to no avail. He was scared and crying and the ship was unloading and getting ready to head back across. I was about to panic when I remembered that in my purse was a FREE SAMPLE OF SHAMPOO AND CONDITIONER. I whipped it out, thought for a moment which side to choose, then coated his finger above and below in shampoo. Out it popped! So basically, you can consider your website a LIFESAVING RESOURCE!!! Thanks a bunch!!!
Sounds like something I would do! No, not thinking of using the shampoo to get a kid's finger unstuck, but getting my own finger stuck.