Be honest. How many times have you failed to remember your password to a website and ended up looking like the guy above?
Or even worse, how many of you reuse the same password on more than one site? π¬ Uh-oh, you badly need a password manager!
Lucky for you, 1Password is giving free trials for a limited time.
Folks, no joke, I'm a HUGE 1Password fan. I've been using their service for over a decade. I've literally forced all of my friends and family to adopt a secure, encrypted password manager and now it's your turn! Even if you don't think you need a password manager, you need one.
With a secure, encrypted password manager like 1Password, you can easily create and use strong, unique, un-crackable passwords with the click of a button. All of my passwords are now 64 long, random characters and I never have to remember a single one. When I join a new site, 1Password generates a random password and saves it. I never even have to think about it.
1Password also works on every modern device. No matter what operating system or browser you use, your passwords stayed synced and completely encrypted. You can move from your computer to your phone to your tablet and easily log into any website or service without needing to remember your passwords.
This free one-year plan allows up to five individuals within a family to all have their own account. You also get 1 GB of encrypted storage for important documents, as well as access to their Watchtower service. With Watchtower, you're automatically alerted whenever one of your passwords is found on the Internet, letting you know it's time to change it pronto!
I really can't over-stress how important a password manger is. And now with 1Password giving away such a huge freebie? There's literally no better time to start using one!