HIF’s First Secret Service Investigation

A while back I got an e-mail that caused quite a bit of laughing in the Goob Household. Luckily for all of you, fellow Hiffer Melissa said it was all right to share with the HIF community as well!

I love your site and wanted to let you know a little something that happened due to my new sample addiction. A bottle of energy drink I had ordered leaked during the shipping (potential bomb threat). The post office contacted the Secret Service and now I and the company that shipped it are being investigated.

Hahahaha. Oh, I love it. Not only do freebies provide a source of money saving and entertainment, but they also can get you in trouble for no good reason! Here's to hoping the Secret Service soon realizes that all Melissa wanted was a free pick me up drink to help her get through the day.

More Press Coverage!

Kathleen Ramirez, from the Ka Leo O Hawai'i newspaper, (I hope you can figure out where their located) wrote an awesome article about HIF that I recently got a chance to read. Their main website is down right now, but you can find the article below the fold.

I also want to thank David Pham, one of the newspaper's editors, for sending me copies of the newspaper and keeping me in the loop about the article's status. And remember, if you have a local newspaper, please send them an e-mail with a short little blurb about HIF and see if they might not want to write about us. The more, the better! 🙂

Read more

Hey, It’s Free Press!

Earlier this month, I was interviewed by a few fantastic reporters who were interested in putting together a story on HIF and the freebie world in general for their respective newspapers!

The first article to come out was written for the FSView, the college newspaper for Florida State University. We conducted a phone interview for the story and I was pretty nervous. It was the first time I'd ever been in the interviewees shoes instead of the interviewer's, but I think the article came out pretty darn well.

The next article was written for the Ka Leo O Hawai'i newspaper, which represents the University of Hawai`i at Manoa. Their website is down at the moment, but the reporter, Kathleen, was nice enough to promise to send me a few copies of the newspaper itself! So as soon as I get them, I'll scan the article and upload it here to HIF!

The rest of the interviews I've given recently have yet to produce any articles, but I'm told that a few will be running in the near future. As soon as they do, I'll post them here on HIF. But I wanted to add that if you're a college student yourself, or have any friends that work for a newspaper or radio station and you want to help support HIF, then PLEASE e-mail them and let them know about HIF!

One of the best ways to get new readers here on HIF (and with that, new people who can find some freebies!) is to spread the word via any form of media whatsoever. Newspapers, radio, TV, even blogs! Each and every bit helps and with each new article comes new readers! Heck, even if you just e-mail your local newspaper and tell them about us, I'd be forever grateful, even if nothing ever comes of it. So thank you in advance for helping to spreading the word about HIF!

Free Hair Scrunchies?

I think I've found a site that's giving away free hair scrunchies, but I can't really tell since all the models on the site look far too serious to be showing off simple hair scrunchies. What is it with models and looking as if they're staring down the gaze of death. Does it hurt to smile? Does it make the product less appealing if it's no longer on the body of a human who looks scared? I'm at a loss here, folks.

This might be the first freebie marketed towards girls that I'll end up using, though, because this hair of mine has gotten out of control. I can barely see the computer monitor. In fact, I hope I'm publishing this post on HIF and not another one of my random sites. Oh well, time to hit the “Publish” button and find out!

Free Google Voice Phone Number

Free Phone Number & Voice Mail

Did you know Google Voice will give you your very own custom phone number, for free?

It allows anybody to sign up for a brand spankin' new phone number complete with voicemail that you can access on-line or via telephone. So let's say somebody asks for your phone number, but you're not comfortable giving out your home or cell number. Well, just give them your Private Phone number! Then, when they leave a message for you, you'll be alerted via e-mail or text message telling you that you've got a new voicemail. You can then either call your Private Phone number and enter your pin or go to your on-line account and listen to it! It even comes with caller ID, so that if you decide you want to call the person back, their number is right there for you to see.

You can pick virtually any area code you want, which is nice in that you won't look suspicious when giving out the number since you can pick your own area code. You can also record a custom message, so it sounds like your actual personal voicemail. Plus another cool little feature is that all of your voicemails are automatically recorded and uploaded to your on-line account, where you then can share them with your friends via e-mail or your blog or something! A friend of mine used to have a disposable cell phone account that he posted on his site where he asked people to call and leave funny/drunk/random messages and then he'd upload them to his site. It sure would have been a lot easier had this service been around back then!

Which leads me to this! I created a phone number (864-761-0065) just for my websites. I'm posting this on my other sites as well and asking people to call it and leave something funny! Heck, just call it if you're bored and have nothing else better to do! If I get anything interesting or cool, I'll post the audio recordings* of them up here on HIF to share with everybody else! In fact, leave your number in the comments and I might even give ya a buzz 🙂

*None of your private info is said in the audio records, it's just the voice message you leave. So you can trust that I won't be posting your actual phone number on here for everybody to see!

Free Scrubs Musical Songs

Free Scrubs “My Musical” Download

One of my favorite shows on TV right now is Scrubs. It's funny, hilarious, brilliant, and funny. Did I mention it's funny? And it doesn't take a genius to know that I love anything comedic! This past Thursday, they did a musical episode, aptly titled “My Musical,” and I've after finding this free download of all the songs, I'm going to have the songs stuck in my head for days!

Free World Heritage Map Poster

Woo hoo, a new map! This free World Heritage map poster will be sent to anybody who becomes a free member over at their site. They even have a .pdf copy of the map on their site that you can stare at in awe until your own copy arrives in the mail. Now if you'll excuse me, I've got some staring to do.

They've since added a small shipping fee, so I've marked this as expired. However, they're still offering a free map if you're interested!

Merry Christmas

From the entire Hey, It's Free crew, I want to wish each and every Hiffer a Merry Christmas, Happy Kwanzaa, Rocking Boxer Day, Vengeful Festivus. Here's to a day full of family, friends, food, and fun!

I've said it many times before, it's worth repeating: this place wouldn't be anything without each and every one of y'all. I hope everyone reading this has/had a fantastic holiday and I'll be back with more freebies and deals soon.

Free Baby Mozart Music

Reader Kinkan sent in this great freebie where you can download all sorts of free Baby Mozart music! My two youngest siblings had these and they used to do wonders for putting them to sleep quickly and keeping them asleep! In fact, I guess actually this could be listened to by anybody, as I myself enjoyed listening to the music while I rocked my siblings to sleep. In fact, I even have the songs on my iPod 🙂

Free NASCAR Poster

The free NASCAR poster promo has enter, but we have an huge, current list of free NASCAR racing cards from both drivers and racing teams!

This is actually a contest to win a car as well as a trip to Miami to see a race, but just for entering they'll send you a free NASCAR poster which features Matt Kenseth, Mark Martin, Greg Biffle and Carl Edwards. I never did get into NASCAR. I always felt if I was gonna watch something that was a borderline sport, I might as well watch some celebrity poker and laugh every now and then.

Welcome New Readers

Welcome! Whether you found HIF via a news broadcast, interview, article, or any other method, I'm glad you're here 🙂 Now begins your entry to the world of freebies!

First off, freebies can be found on our homepage, but we have a page of every available freebie! Makes it super handy 🙂

In addition to the freebies, here are some of the most popular sections of the site:

Top Rated Freebies – Occasionally we put together massive lists of freebies that you can find. For instance, we have an ongoing list of stores and restaurants that give away free birthday food. Another good example is our free state maps collection.

Free Coupons – A roundup of all the websites where you can print out coupons for free.

Daily Newsletter – Every day at 3:00 EST, a newsletter goes out with every new post we made in the previous 24 hours.

Stay In Touch – And last, but not least, we offer a gazillion different ways to follow our recent postings. Want to follow our RSS feed? Addicted to Twitter? Ignore basic hygiene by spending too much time to Facebook? We feel your pain.

And that should do it! Of course, if you still have no idea what's going on here, feel free to contact me and ask away with your questions.

Free John Frieda Wonder Drops Hair Mask

Free John Frieda Hair Products

John Frieda hair product freebies and samples were quite numerous from 2006-2012. They even gave a single freebie away in 2013, 14, 15, and 19. All told, we found 46 different John Frieda freebies over the years!

While we wait for the next round of available freebies, enjoy some old jokes!

Old HIF Jokes

Here's a super simple form where you can print a coupon good for a full-size free John Frieda Wonder Drops hair mask. That means our hair can rob a bank and possibly get away with it!

You can get a free sample of either Radiant Red, Brilliant Brunette, or Sheer Blonde John Frieda's Hair products by clicking that link and entering your info.

You got that? Click the link. THEN enter in your info. Not here in the comments. For the love of God, if I get another person coming here through a search engine and leaving their address in the comments, I'm going to scream!

This free John Frieda shampoo made me realize my hair volume is pretty low. Heck, it's muted. Does that even make sense? No? DOES IT MAKE SENSE IF I YELL?

Oh man, see what I did there? I “yelled” it by typing in all caps. Like I turned up the “volume.” Get it? Cause we were talking about hair volume and then I wittily started talking about sound volume. You know, cause hair volume is in relation to the amount of space the hair occupies while sound volume correlates to the amplitude of a sound wave. It's a play on words; a pun if you will. But the two definitions are actually closely related, because both volumes increase as the space occupied or amplitude increases. I guess that's why volume is used for both definitions. You could actually argue that they're one in same and that…

But I'm sure you got the pun right away, but continued just to make sure that the pun was intended. I bet you like reading about puns, its a lot of pun… hey, I see what you did there! Replacing the f in pun. What a cheeky Hiffer you are.

The previous free John Frieda shampoo offer this month was limited to certain states, which was pretty annoying. But not this one! It's open to everyone in the good ol' US of A. From Maine to Portugal, from Nebraska to Africa – everybody gets a sample! Okay, I admit, I tended to sleep throughout Social Studies as a kid.

Here's a free John Frieda Root Awakening shampoo offer on Facebook where we're all invited to receive “an exclusive scalp invigorating offer.” They go on to say we should “purify, feed and nourish” our hair. You know what? No. I won't do any of that. I'll wash it and that's it. I already have to remember to feed my dogs, my plants, and myself. I can't be in charge of nourishing anything else.

Folks, somebody broke into my house and ate all of the Halloween candy I'm supposed to give out tomorrow. And, uh, they … okay, I confess, it was me, but it wasn't my fault! Okay, maybe it was my fault, but there was a good reason! Fine, you got me, there wasn't a good reason, but I was hungry and there was nothing else to eat! Oh stop looking at me that way, I admit it, I wasn't even hungry and my pantry is stocked. Dang, you're good at this – are you sure you're not a cop?

As soon as this free John Frieda Brilliant Brunette Liquid Shine Illuminating shampoo and conditioner arrives, I'll use it to wash the shame off.

While signing up for free John Frieda Frizz-Ease shampoo, you'll encounter a drop-down list with over a dozen hair colors and yet not a single one is blue! It's not my fault I happen to be in a rockin' Simpsons tribute band. Although I'm not sure why I chose to be Marge. There were plenty of other male characters to pick from…

I wonder if this free John Frieda Full Repair shampoo and conditioner will fully repair your hair enough to make it grow back fast. Specifically on dogs. Long story short, mine accidentally got into some gum and I had to shave a small part of her back. I think she's self-conscious about it now. Yesterday I caught her wearing a totally noticeable toupee.

This free John Frieda Full Repair is one of those freebies that I have no idea if it'll actually come. There's not much information available on it, but the page is legit and it mentions a freebie at the bottom, so I went ahead and signed up. Tell ya what, if you don't think this will come, I'll guarantee you'll be surprised in six to eight weeks. Either the freebie will show up in your mailbox or I'll personally jump out of a dark doorway and scream at you.

There's a new John Frieda Root Awakening sample available from Walmart and I'm now naturally daydreaming of a world where it actually awakens roots in people's heads. Some people get dandelions sprouting, others get full blown oak trees, and a lucky few get a fruit tree. My luck, I'd get a plum tree or crap grass.

Make sure you take a shot at this free Precision Foam colour offer. It's a coupon for a free full size box but it may take a little patience as their site is getting hammered. It's kind of like getting me to eat my vegetables. You need to take your time, calmly explain that it's in my best interest to eat them, and then maybe hide a portion in my mashed potatoes. I know, I know, first dates with me can be super awkward.

I'll be honest, trying to figure out the secret to this free John Frieda hair care sample is well beyond my mental capacity right now. Based on your answers, you can get either a coupon for a free full sized box of Precision Foam Hair Colour or a small shampoo sample. I'm sure there's a way to game the system, but don't expect me to figure it out any time soon. I just spent an hour watching a how-to show on remodeling your home because I was too tired to change the channel.

John Frieda has given away hair care for brunettes and red heads in the past, but now blonds can get in on the action with some free Sheer Blonde hair care.

I can never tell what color my hair is. Is it brown or black? Then I start to wonder if I see colors like everybody else. What if my version of green is really purple to others? Heck, what else does my body interpret incorrectly?! Five hours later, I'm usually curled up in a fetal position and muttering to myself.

Looks like I'm talking about my hair a bunch today. This free John Frieda Frizz-Ease shampoo & serum is definitely not for me as my hair is the furthest from frizzy possible. Like ironed straight. Well, I actually don't have hair now since it's hot out. I had it buzzed a few weeks ago. Wait, who cares? I bet nobody is even still reading at this point.