Free Kellogg’s Family Rewards Codes

Sorry, this freebie has expired

Here are similar freebies still available!

I frequently post free Kellogg's Family Rewards codes whenever they're released, but it's hard to track which codes are available, which are dead, and which I missed. So in addition to posting them one at a time when they become available, I'll keep this master list updated with all the available codes for anybody out there just joining.

If you haven't signed up for Kellogg's Family Rewards, now's the time. In addition to dozens of free codes they offer, you can earn points by entering codes found on most Kellogg's boxes, included all the ones below. The points can then be redeemed for exclusive high-value Kellogg's coupons and even some rewards like magazine subscriptions or toys.

Current Free Kellogg's Family Rewards Points

So what the heck are you waiting for? Sign up!

MAKINADIFFERENCE – 100 points (exp 12/31/21) *NEW*
LUNCHBOXOFFLAVOR – 100 points (exp 12/31/21)
FROOTLOOPSFOREVA – 100 points (exp ??) (this might be expired?)
FOODINTERESTSYOU – 100 points (exp ??) (this might be expired?)

If any of the Kellogg's Family Rewards codes above have expired or if you know of one I missed, please let me know in the comments!

About the Author: Goob

I'm a nationally renowned freebie finder & sample vetter, which I never imagined I'd be doing while getting my Bachelor's Degree in History almost 20 years ago. In my spare time, I enjoy launching my own space program and disproving the Coriolis effect.

598 comments on “Free Kellogg’s Family Rewards Codes”

  1. Looks like the Kelloggs point system is changing – better redeem your rewards, as they will all expire on 12/31/21, and you can’t earn any more after 12/15/21.

    From the website:
    Instead of points, you’ll get tokens each month. That receipt you uploaded? +1 token. Take a quick poll? That’s a token, too. You just need 5 tokens per month to get cool rewards. Each month brings a new chance to get your choice of awesome rewards.

    It’s simpler – and more fun! Starting on 1/3/22, each month will unlock more opportunities for rewards. No more slowly accumulating points and waiting to spend them. No more keeping track of how many you have or need. You’ll stop earning points on 12/15/21.

  2. The three for text don’t work anymore:

    “Text REDWHITEBLUE to 89332 – 25 points
    Text SPOOOKY to 89332 – 25 points
    Text KFRGIFT to 89332 – 25 points”

    But the ones you put before it (below) still work on the computer:

    “EARNGREATREWARDS – 100 points (exp 1/31/21)
    VIDEOSAREFUN2SEE – 100 points (exp 9/27/20)
    ***this one worked for me a few mins ago on 9/30/20***

    JUMBOSNAXAREGOOD – 100 points (estimated exp 10/4/20)
    EARNSWEETREWARDS – 50 points

    HOWITWORKS20PNTS – 20 points”

  3. 25 Points Bonus Code Expires 04/06/2018: HOPPINGGOODBONUS
    25 Points Bonus Code Expires 04/06/2018: SPRINGHOLIDAYPTS
    25 Points Bonus Code Expires 04/06/2018: HAPPYEASTERBONUS

  4. Goob,

    Thank you for another great year of freebies. I and I’m sure many others appreciate the effort it takes to keep this website going and receiving the many freebies that add a little comfort and anticipation to those of us who do not receive much (good) mail. Thank you again, my friend.

  5. Ryan, I dont know if you’ve seen my inquiries last week, responding to your intial email but Ive still not received Shell gift pack I won. Please email me again – let me know if you’ve sent it and if theres a tracking number. Thank you, jayne

  6. Added (11/1): Enter code SPOOKY to 89332 to score 25 FREE Points! You must use the mobile phone connected to your account.The expiration date is unknown.

    Added (11/1): Enter code KFRFRIGHTSFORYOU to score 50 FREE Points! This is valid through November 6th

  7. Hi – new halloween codes posted today. Expires 11/3/17
    GETY-OURK-FRTR-EATS – 50 points
    SPOO-KYKF-RFUN-4YOU – 50 points
    ALLK-FRTR-EATS-4YOU – 50 points

  8. I recently received a birthday greeting from KFR, a little gif with a birthday theme, and 100 extra points. Good for 20 coloring sheets!!! Well, it’s something.

  9. Just tried to use all five of the codes above. All but one said they had expired. One said I had used it before.


  10. Seems to be working today. When are they going to have GOOBYOUAREDABEST as a code in honor of the man who can command his minions to hif a freebie in no time with the press of a Send button. They could at least offer a Goob coloring page.

  11. Hi! Thanks for the code, KFRCELEBRATESDAD! But I’d seen this one earlier & tried it, only to get a message saying I’d already used it. But I haven’t used it this year; all I can figure is that they’ve offered this same one close to Father’s Day during past years & I must’ve entered it back then.? Wish they could’ve made this code different so members could use it again & earn points… Anyone else having this issue?
    Thanks again!

  12. LOL, seriously, Goob, you crack me up and put a smile on my face every time I see your posts. You seriously should consider comedy writing or being a comedian!

    • Thank you so much, Jill! I actually tried breaking into comedy a over the last decade – it didn’t go so well 🙁 But I’m glad I can still put smiles on people’s faces via HIF still!

  13. 25 points EAST-ERBO-NUSP-TS4U (expires 4/24/2017)
    25 points 25PT-EAST-ERBA-SKET (expires 4/24/2017)
    25 points SPRI-NGPT-SINB-LOOM (expires 4/24/2017)

  14. 25 points TRIC-KYTI-PSBY-TONY (expires 4/15/2017)
    25 points APRI-LFOO-LSFU-NPTS (expires 4/15/2017)
    25 points WHOO-PEEC-USHI-ONPT (expires 4/15/2017)

  15. 25 points SLAM-DUNK-KFR2-5PTS (expires 4/10/2017)
    Goob, you missed a couple that I posted 2 weeks ago.
    25 points GAME-RECI-PES2-LOVE (expires 4/10/2017)
    25 points VOTE-FORY-OURF-AVES (expires 4/10/2017)

  16. Expired:
    TISTHESEASON4PTS – 100 points (exp 1/29/17)
    GREATREWARDS4YOU – 25 points (exp 1/30/17)
    LOVEWINTERGETPTS – 100 points (exp 1/31/17)
    WINTERFUNWITHKFR – 100 points (exp 1/1/17)
    PRESIDENTIALPICK (was expired when I tried to enter it)

    Thanks for this page!

    • It usually means that you have already entered it in your account. You can check under activity to see what you have gotten credit for recently and if it is a new code that you know you have not entered contact costumer service and they should be able to help you.

  17. WOW, this is big!! Each day from 12/13 to 12/19, 7 days total, a daily spin for 50 to 100,000 pts.

    Ive two accts. Today won 7,500 pts on one !! 500 pts on the other.
    Spinner is found on their homepage

  18. I just received 2 different 50 point codes in emails “$20 Off Holiday Cards From Shutterfly!” and “Your Account Summary Is Here” between yesterday and today.

  19. I am having an issue with the points actually being added to my account. I know the codes arent duplicates or expired. I have also sent an email to the Kellogs team to see if they can help resolve the issue.
    Just to make sure, the codes that we recieve from your emails are entered in the in the “ENTER CODE” area of the website, right? I just want to make sure Im entering them in the correct area.


  20. PACKING4VACATION and SCHOLASTICREADER said “Please try again. The code entered is incorrect. Keep in mind that some characters may look similar.”

  21. I copied & pasted all the codes you listed. While most were duplicates for me, 4 were new. Thanks! I didn’t get any message that indicated the code was expired.

  22. I just did the SUMMERTIMESPTS4U you posted in your email newsletter. You said Kelloggs said it was a dupe, but I got the 100 points. The other one you posted that you said Kelloggs showed as a dupe for you, MOMSGETSUMMERPTS, also showed as a dupe for me.
    Thanks for the points, Goob!

    • SPRINGBONUSPTS4U – 25 points (posted on 3/17)
      BESTBALLGAMEEATS – 25 points (posted on 3/17) -Thank You, CT!
      YOUCHOOSETHEBEST – 25 points (posted on 3/16)
      GAMEWATCHINGEATS – 25 points (posted on 3/15) -Thank You, CT!
      BBALLFANFAVORITE – 25 points (posted on 3/14)
      VOTEFORYOURFAVES – 25 points (posted on 3/13)
      GAMERECIPES2LOVE – 25 points (posted on 3/12)
      SKISLEDSKATE4PTS – 100 points (posted on 3/6)
      SPRINGFORWARDDAY – 25 points (posted on 3/6)
      FREEPTSWARMUPNOW – 100 points (posted on

  23. Today I received 100 points for my Born day! Which is later this month… I need to pay close attention to my emails, missed out on points previous years.

  24. FYI
    50 pt code is in email from Kelloggs Rewards titled either “Walmart Shoppers” or “Hey b ball Fans”, located in section re: win Carribean cruise.

    Code is unique for each email recipient, assuming you get their emails.


    These are still good

  26. These are still good.

    HOWITWORKS20PNTS –20 points
    KFRSHARETHANKS20 –20 points
    PACKING4VACATION –20 points
    SCHOLASTICREADER – 20 points

  27. Thanks Goob! I joined a few years ago and never bother to collect points. You gave me my first 350 points! So now I will get back into my ” saving money coupon game”.

  28. NEW — 50 pts – your code is in their yesterday MON 9/21 email listed as Instant Win Code halfway down email under MLB ticket (each person was emailed different code)

  29. Just went through the list above as I have been a bit behind, but these are all the ones that are coming up expired now.



    Thanks Goob!

  30. Thank you so much for all of these codes. I just started and entered all of the above codes and found that the following are expired.


    But thanks so much for all the others.

  31. No free points, just a public shout out of props to he who goes by ‘”Goob”.
    Your quirky, silly sense of humor you inject into all your newsletter emails make for entertaining reading. Your funny twist on the most mundane promos and how you continue to come up its – thats a talent.
    Admit it – youre really an accomplished well-known comic who just does this as a hobby, am I right? So, thanks for the freebies and the funnies!

  32. Why am I finding only a space to enter 16 digit numeric codes on the site? Where would I enter these alpha codes with no spaces?

      • Thanks for the reply but the letters don’t work because it adds dashes ever four letters and that keeps me from being able to enter the entire letter code. ??

        • The letters DO work – Yes, the site puts dashes every 4th letter for us too before we submit and get our points. Just ignore that, it doesnt matter. Simply copy & paste the 16 digit word, then click submit and you points will increase.

          • If you copy and paste you have to delete and reenter the last digit/letter in order to submit the code.

          • I was just explaining what I do. The submit button will not become clickable unless I delete and reenter the last digit/letter, if I copy and paste. I was just trying to be helpful in case that is the problem SavdByGrace50 was having.

          • You dont actually have to enter a store, you can leave “Where did you buy” blank – you can just paste code and hit enter on your keyboard (or hit submit button). I gave up loading store long ago

  33. Thanks for these!


    KFRTHANKYOUBONUS – 100 points
    EARNSWEETREWARDS – 50 points
    KFRTHANKYOU50PTS – 50 points
    NUTRITIONINABOWL – 50 points

  34. BTW although KFR is discontinuing printing codes on boxes, they will continue issuing these bonus codes that they will continue letting us upload on the site, yay!


  36. I’m new to KFR so I didn’t realize that trying codes would count towards my 20-code-per-day limit (oh well, there’s always tomorrow). Here are the ones that showed expired for me this morning:


    And, in the comments I found EARNGREATREWARDS which earned 20 points (and is slightly different from EARNSWEETREWARDS in your list).

    Thanks for the awesome site!

  37. What do you do when you need one more book code and can’t find a specially marked box. I am ordering books for my Grandchildren.

  38. Do you lose these points at the end of the year. Went into my account today and I had 0 points. When I tried to add the ones listed on this link, they said I had already used those codes. I did not redeem them so they must have expired. What do you think? or experience?

      • I had this happen to me. I had to call them in order to get them to put the points back. If you don’t go into your account for a period of time, they delete your account balance. They did put my points back though with very little trouble. good luck

  39. I also contacted Kellogg’s about the 500 point codes and how they were showing up as duplicate codes. I was told that those codes were intended for particular individual(s) and not valid for mass distribution on Freebie Sites. So no one, other than the original person(s) they were intended for, will get the points. So please take these codes off to keep other people from being aggravated like me and calling and bugging Kellogg’s.

  40. all of the codes were duplicates in my acct also checked my point history and none of these codes were confirmed in my history as well

  41. None of the codes worked. Received: “The code entered is a duplicate. Please check your Point History to confirm your points have been credited to your account.” So I checked my account and could not find where I had used any of the codes. Guess I could contact them and see if I get at least one 500 point credit. On the other hand, they could have put them out to find out who was using free codes. I use the codes posted here plus from what I buy, but I get more points from the codes posted here.

  42. Call them and they will walk you through it. I bought a package of cookies before that had the code on the outside. I got the message that the code had already been used. Someone must of copied the code from the package and used it. They helped me and gave me bonus points for my trouble.

  43. And, did you ever buy a box without a code, even though, it says-on the front of the box, that there is a code in the box? I had that happen the other day. annoying.

  44. Does anybody ever have a code that they just really can’t figure out the letters/numbers? I do. I have one that looks like it says
    1glm-w29g-pnl7-gzrl -but, it keeps telling me that I have it wrong. the g and the L are so close together, that it’s hard to tell what it is. and now that I look at it, the PNL7 could be an M instead. not sure! can anybody help me out?

  45. BACKTOSCHOOL2014 is not new – and you’re showing it twice. From looking at my activity you first posted it back in late July or August 1.

  46. New Codes for 500 pts!
    FREEPOINTSFRENZY (100 points)
    WEHEARTSURPRISES (100 points)
    3CHEERS4BONUSPTS (100 points)
    HOORAYFORFREEPTS (100 points)
    UGOTTALOVEABONUS (100 points)

  47. I just tired all of these codes and the only 3 that are expires are KFRSATURDAYBONUS – 50 points
    GOLITTLELEAGUERS – 50 points
    KFRLABORDAYBONUS – 50 points

  48. Hey guys just got this from my poptart box lol 100 points also big lots has the family pack and reg pack pop tarts for 1.50 to 2.50
    59R7-TIJC-9T0Z-L3LF 100 points on august 9th 2014

  49. 3trqk3ppcyzvcnzy

    these codes i try, it say it is duplicate but these codes is not in my points history. what should i do?

    • There are two type of codes
      One type are found on actual products, just random letters numbers and these can ONLY be used by one person. Anyone else trying will be told its a duplicate.
      Second type are promo codes provided online, can be used by everybody and instead of being random number letters, they are phrases like the list far above

  50. I just tried these and some said they are expired

  51. Here are some codes I got off my stuff for all of you: I hope you share yours also:::::
    HGNN-X9ZJ-Y4K6-MFKM Enjoy!!!

  52. All new, all unexpired:
    GETYOURGOLDENEGG – 1,000 points
    KFRTWEETSREWARDS – 50 points
    GETEASTERGOODIES – 50 points
    EASTEREGGHUNTWIN – 50 points

  53. They are as i have used them all and they worked for me if it says its a duplicate its because you have already entered it if you check your history it should show that you have already entered the code but the codes are not unique and can be used by several diff people

    • Same here.
      A month or so ago, when tried, said they were all duplicates, and then today tried entering even newest April fool’s day one, and says duplicate.
      Would be helpful if before each code, the date it CAME OUT listed would help us know if it just came out so wouldn’t waste time. 🙂 Thanks!

  54. I am pretty sure that the codes we receive in emails (with letters and numbers, as opposed to a phrase) are unique codes. I’ve tried entering some below that people said they received in emails and get the message that it is a duplicate. So as thoughtful as it is to share, I don’t think they’re valid for anyone else 🙂

    • Hi, I posted the email code….I have had several people use the same code with no problems at all. If you get a message that it is a duplicate, check your list of entered codes, it more than likely is a duplicate.

  55. I found, and used, a code yesterday that was online and worth 1000 pts. That code was:


    I didn’t see an expiration date anywhere so I hope it still works. Good luck. 🙂

  56. Tx so much Goob! Got 100 points for LOVEANDCHOCOLATE ! FYI: one can get points for the new product: Town House Pita Oven Baked Crackers.

  57. EARNGREATREWARDS: 20 points
    SPECIALK5BONUS4U: 50 points
    KFRSHARETHANKS20: 20 points

    These aren’t in the list above but I checked them just now and they all work also the TEXTINMYKFRCODES is expired

  58. Hey everybody, just updated the list and I believe it’s current. Thanks for helping to keep Hiffers (and myself!) in the loop by commenting here. If you find any that are dead, please continue to let us know!

  59. Of all listed below these work
    202013 Where Will Breakfast Take You Bonus Code
    20Scholastic Book Code
    50Great Start1Code i############BOOK1/7/2014
    502012 Q4 Special Bonus Code
    50MyBowl Bonus Code
    202012 How It Works Bonus Code

  60. Thank you SO much for the codes! All of them worked for me except for: KFRFAVPOPTARTS10. It says that is expired.
    Thanks again! You’re a gem!

  61. LPN – Kellogg’s says the first code is invalid, and the second is a duplicate. It doesn’t show in my points history, so I think this is Kellogg’s way of saying it’s a one-time-use code and for anyone else it will show as a duplicate.

    For example, I recently got a code for a Shutterfly offer. It says it’s valid for a one-time entry.

  62. Can somebody with a new account please confirm this? I believe ya Vicky, but if you look below to Sprchk and CaptainAng, it seems like some of these codes glitch for a little.

  63. Man, I am tired! I actually tried the BEERCOOKIESHALFASANDWICH
    and then wondered why it wouldn’t work. Took a minute to figure out it started with “Beer”

  64. Hi there~! I got the first one!! I appreciate the asterisk for the new ones! I tried all of them and had already redeemed the others, thanks to you~! Keep them coming!!!! THANK YOU!!!!!!

  65. Thanks so much for posting all these b/c I entered every single one of them…as you mentioned, why NOT do this?! Free stuff!! Thanks again for all you do!!!

  66. I found the best way to keep tract of codes that I use is to cc & paste them all into a writing program then I cc each code & paste it on to KELLOGGS!

  67. Following up on the suggestion to note the new ones, I think dating them would work better. Or add a joke to each one; then I’ll know which ones I’ve entered and which I haven’t. Thanks for the list.

  68. Great list, thx! Going forward it would be great to designate new codes with an asterisk (or “NEW”) so we can tell which ones we’ve already entered 🙂

  69. I get so used to getting these codes from you, I forget to look at the food I buy and rip the boxes open to find the codes buried inside. I actually have to t y p e t h e m i n l e t t e r b y l e t t e r. Sheesh. Then I discover they’re tripling points and kaboom, I have lots of points now. Then I use them all to gamble with (pleez let me win a vacation, pleez). It’s a slippery slope, I’m sure. But it’s fun. Thanks.

    BTW, hope you didn’t hurt your forehead when you slapped it… Who knew.

    • Did the same thing when GOOB was sending these codes. Entered for the KINECTS and the KINECTS game packs when they were the rewards of chance. Kept entering and all of a sudden, UPS knocks at the door and hands a package that we signed, sent back, and were the recipients of both items! AWESOME….and all because of GOOB’s generosity with codes!

      • That’s awesome! I always wonder if A) people are even redeeming these codes and, if so, B) what they actually get with them all.

        Thanks for sharing!

  70. I got 100 points and then they wanted me to click to see if I was a winner. I clicked, and they said, “Sorry, you are not a winner.” I thought, well, I mean, I think I do okay…


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