Jason’s Deli Birthday Freebie

Jason's Deli Birthday Freebie
Birthday Offer Free dessert item
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Let's see if I can avoid totally botching today's Jason's Deli birthday freebie like I did yesterdays. I've re-re-re-read my birthday email to make sure I get everything correct. Okay, the place is called Jason's Deli, not Jim's. Got it. It's for $5 off any item, not $15. Good to know. Okay, let's give this a shot.

Aw, dang it. I got nothing.

About the Author: Goob

I'm a nationally renowned freebie finder & sample vetter, which I never imagined I'd be doing while getting my Bachelor's Degree in History almost 20 years ago. In my spare time, I enjoy launching my own space program and disproving the Coriolis effect.

7 comments on “Jason’s Deli Birthday Freebie”

  1. Sending chilling letters should mean death to any business.

    A chilling letter is the threat of legal action against any person in an attempt to deprive them of their legal rights.

    I really can’t comprehend why the use of chilling letters does not carry a long prison term.

  2. A Jason’s opened in my town about a year ago. It is GREAT food, a truly excellent salad bar. Very fresh, very clean. I highly recommend trying it, even if you don’t have a freebie. Another plus—they have comment cards and I made a specific comment/recommendation on it, and was amazed to discover they made the change I suggested the subsequent time I came in!


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