Qdoba Birthday Freebie

Qdoba Birthday Freebie
Birthday Offer Free queso & chips
Today's Freebie A warm, special feeling that you're on your way to a birthday freebie.
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The Qdoba birthday freebie used to be a BOGO coupon, but now it's a delicious cookie! Even if it goes back to a coupon, I'm not complaining. As my dad always said, never turn down free Mexican food or any free stuff on your birthday for that matter.

He wasn't the greatest at giving advice.

About the Author: Goob

I'm a nationally renowned freebie finder & sample vetter, which I never imagined I'd be doing while getting my Bachelor's Degree in History almost 20 years ago. In my spare time, I enjoy launching my own space program and disproving the Coriolis effect.