Free TNT Fireworks Club

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This freebie was originally posted on Dec 2, 2008 (!!!) and is available again.

Talk about a freebie offer that never quits! I first posted this free TNT Fireworks Club offer over a decade ago, but it's still kicking. I've even still got one of their stickers on my old laptop. There's also a poster, magnet, and some tattoos that come with this, but no fireworks unfortunately. I was looking forward to getting a stick of TNT and blowing something up like they do in the cartoons.

About the Author: Goob

I'm a nationally renowned freebie finder & sample vetter, which I never imagined I'd be doing while getting my Bachelor's Degree in History almost 20 years ago. In my spare time, I enjoy launching my own space program and disproving the Coriolis effect.