Moms Rising are offering this latest freebie allowing each of us to get a free “I Read Banned Books” sticker and bookmark.
Make a pledge to protect books and say NO to book bans, and we’ll send you a free READ BANNED BOOKS bookmark & a colorful sticker! (This way you can also show your support of books — and help build a movement against censorship — by putting a fun sticker on your water bottle, computer, notebook, or other!)
You might be thinking “wait a minute, didn't I sign up for some of these over the previous two years?” Kinda! What you're probably thinking about are the LeVar Burton banned books sticker and bookmark from late 2023. Those were a separate offer hosted by MoveOn that's no longer available.
If you still need some additional bookmarks, then check out my free bookmarks page, which auto-collects all of the bookmarks still available to request.