Norman is offering an amazing high-value freebie by giving away a free cordless window shade to any household with a child 8 years old or younger!
They'll let you pick the width and height, which seems to imply they're sending an actual full-sized product instead of just a sample, right? Or am I missing something entirely here?*
Window Covering Safety Council (WCSC) recommends that only cordless window coverings or window coverings with inaccessible cords be used in homes with young children. Parents and parents-to-be have a million things on their minds when it comes to raising their children. But every parent needs to be aware of child safety, and this begins in the home.
They only have a select amount of freebies to give away each day, but they always restock their supply after midnight. A lot of other freebie sites posted this offer last week and it kept expiring quickly, so I held off on posting it for a little while so as many Hiffers as possible could get a freebie.
*spoiler alert – my brain has not been working properly since Juls' death, so I readily admit I might be missing something here.