Free True Lemon Drink Mix Sample

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These free True Lemon drink mix samples used to be a staple in the freebie world when HIF launched in 2005. The freebie spigot shut off around 2010, however I've recently discovered they're back for certain groups. If you're a member of any of the following organizations, you can request a sample here.

  • Healthcare Facility
  • Healthcare Professional
  • Health Club
  • School
  • Group
  • Event
  • Other

Every day I drink enough water to fill a small pool, but it can get a bit bland. Enter True Lemon. It's a much better alternative to my past method of spicing things up, which was to actually put Tabasco sauce in my water. Let's just say: lesson learned.

About the Author: Goob

I'm a nationally renowned freebie finder & sample vetter, which I never imagined I'd be doing while getting my Bachelor's Degree in History almost 20 years ago. In my spare time, I enjoy launching my own space program and disproving the Coriolis effect.